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送交者: 孞烎Archer 2025年01月03日00:36:07 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话


钱 宏(Archer Hong Qian)

Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation(Canada)











  1. 一个意外的开端 2014年,普京接受克里米亚“公投结果”并将其并入俄罗斯,这一决定让国际法遭受重创。彼时,普京若选择不接受公投结果,他既能占据国际道义的制高点,又能将难题留给乌克兰当局。然而,他的选择,让俄罗斯的战略从防御性变为扩张性,激化了俄乌矛盾,也埋下了更深的冲突种子。

  2. 乌克兰的抗争出乎预料 2022年,俄军入侵乌克兰东部和基辅,企图通过闪电战迅速控制乌克兰。然而,一个“漫威式”的超级英雄泽连斯基的出现改变了局面。他拒绝逃离基辅,凭借2017年川普第一个任期内获得的标枪反坦克导弹等武器和全民武装支持下,乌克兰顽强抵抗,挫败了俄军的战略。俄乌战争的意外性由此彰显:一个看似注定的胜利却陷入了旷日持久的僵局。

  3. 主权与人权的根本矛盾 俄乌战争不仅暴露了军事失误,也揭示了现行国际秩序的深层问题:如何在“保护人权的主权神圣不可侵犯”与“高门槛的民族自决”之间找到平衡? 工商文明时代的国际秩序基于主权与人权的“平等主体”逻辑,已经无法应对多元化、全球化的新挑战。 必须提升到孞息-AI时代的“交互主体共生”认知与实践,才能突破这一困境。










  1. 推动冲突各方停火与谈判 在国际组织主持下,促使冲突各方立即停火,开展和平谈判,为下一步解决方案奠定基础。

  2. 实施“第三条道路”方案


(1)俄罗斯军队撤出 俄罗斯军队撤出1991年规定的乌克兰所有占领区,归还被掳掠的乌克兰儿童。 乌克兰军队与国际组织保障俄军撤退的安全,防止新冲突的爆发。

(2)高门槛的独立自决与中立缓冲区 克里米亚等争议地区:根据“公民(民族)自决”原则,在联合国托管理事会和人权理事会合署机构监督下,通过公投成为新的主权国家。



(3)加里宁格勒州的调整 作为政治平衡,俄罗斯最西部的加里宁格勒州(柯尼斯堡)在同样监督下成为新的主权国家,如“柯尼斯堡共和国”,并保持中立。


(4)国际社会的让步 国际社会免除对俄罗斯领导人的战争罪追究,解除对其外汇储备的冻结,用于俄罗斯的经济重建与发展。


  1. 建立国际监督与保障机制 托管理事会的重构:重新激活联合国托管理事会,与人权理事会合署,作为公投与中立机制的执行机构,未来更名为“全球共生理事会”(UN Global Symbiosis Council)。 透明技术支持:利用AI与区块链确保监督与执行过程透明、可信。

  2. 推动“小而美”国家模式 借鉴瑞士、比利时、新加坡等成功经验,鼓励多元文化地区建立小型独立国家,促进区域稳定与发展。

  3. 制定《全球共生公约》 以交互主体共生哲学为基础,制定国际公约,规范国家、社区、个人间关系,为全球和平合作提供制度保障。 预期成果 实现冲突地区的和平:终结当前战争,实现地区稳定。 建立新的国际关系模式:以交互主体共生为核心,构建新的国际安全框架,减少冲突,促进合作。












Ending Wars, Rebuilding a New Global Symbiosis Order


By Archer Hong Qian


Institution: Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation (Canada)





Human history has been filled with wars and conflicts, bringing profound disasters to all living beings on Earth. In the Xinsi-AI era, the self-organizing and balancing capabilities of individual lives are awakening like never before, enabling the possibility of community symbiosis and autonomy. With the accelerated globalization of the global village and the growing interdependence among nations, it is imperative to establish a new type of international order centered on “intersubjective symbiosis” of human rights and sovereignty. Such an order would render any attempt at global domination by empires, alliances, or axis powers factually impossible, paving the way for lasting peace and prosperity.




The Unpredictable Nature of the Russia-Ukraine War and the Deficiencies of the Current International Order

  1. An Unexpected Beginning

In 2014, Putin accepted the results of the Crimea referendum and annexed the region into Russia, which severely undermined international law. At the time, if Putin had refrained from accepting the referendum, he could have maintained his moral high ground, left the dilemma to the Ukrainian authorities, and still garnered support from a pro-Russian Crimea. However, his decision shifted Russia’s strategy from defensive to expansionist, escalating Russia-Ukraine tensions and planting the seeds for deeper conflicts.

  1. Ukraine’s Unexpected Resistance

In 2022, Russian forces invaded Eastern Ukraine and Kyiv, intending to swiftly control the country through a blitzkrieg. However, the emergence of a "Marvel-like" superhero, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, dramatically altered the course of events. Refusing to flee Kyiv, Zelenskyy relied on anti-tank Javelin missiles provided during Trump’s first term in 2017 and widespread public mobilization to mount a staunch resistance. Ukraine’s determined defense thwarted Russia’s plans, turning a seemingly certain victory into a prolonged stalemate and showcasing the unpredictable nature of this war.

  1. The Fundamental Contradiction Between Sovereignty and Human Rights

The Russia-Ukraine War not only exposed military miscalculations but also highlighted a profound flaw in the current international order: How can we reconcile the principles of "the inviolability of sovereign rights" and "high-threshold national self-determination"?

  • The industrial civilization era’s international order, based on the "equal subject" logic of sovereignty and human rights, is no longer adequate to address the challenges of a diverse and globalized world.

  • It is necessary to elevate this framework to the Xinsi-AI era’s “intersubjective symbiosis” paradigm to overcome these dilemmas.




  1. End Current Wars and Conflicts: Resolve ongoing international conflicts, particularly the Russia-Ukraine War, through peaceful means to prevent further human suffering and destruction.

  2. Rebuild a New Global Peace Order: Establish an international relations framework based on the philosophy of intersubjective symbiosis, fostering peaceful coexistence and cooperative development among nations.


Strategies and Measures


  1. Promote Ceasefires and Negotiations

Under the auspices of international organizations, urge all parties involved in conflicts to immediately cease hostilities and engage in peace talks to lay the groundwork for solutions.

  1. Implement the "Third Path" Proposal

(1) Russian Troop Withdrawal

  • Russian forces must withdraw from all occupied Ukrainian territories defined by the 1991 internationally recognized borders and return abducted Ukrainian children.

  • The Ukrainian military and international organizations will ensure the safe retreat of Russian forces to prevent further conflicts.

(2) High-Threshold Independence and Neutral Buffer Zones

  • Disputed Territories such as Crimea: In accordance with the principle of “national (citizen) self-determination,” allow disputed regions to become new sovereign states through referenda supervised by a joint body of the UN Trusteeship Council and the Human Rights Council.

  • 50-Year Non-Accession Rule: To prevent future disputes, newly independent states must refrain from joining any neighboring countries for 50 years (e.g., Crimea cannot join Russia).

(3) Adjustment of Kaliningrad Oblast

  • As a political counterbalance, allow Russia’s westernmost region, Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg), to become a new sovereign state, such as the “Republic of Königsberg,” under similar international supervision, while maintaining neutrality.

(4) Concessions to Russia from the International Community

  • The international community will waive war crime charges against Russian leaders and lift freezes on Russia’s foreign reserves, facilitating Russia’s economic recovery and development.

  1. Establish International Oversight and Guarantee Mechanisms

  • Revitalizing the Trusteeship Council: Reactivate the UN Trusteeship Council and merge it with the Human Rights Council to oversee referenda and the neutrality mechanisms, ultimately renaming it the "Global Symbiosis Council" (UN Global Symbiosis Council).

  • Transparent Technological Support: Use AI and blockchain to ensure transparency and credibility in oversight and implementation processes.

  1. Encourage the “Small is Beautiful” Model

Learn from the successful examples of Switzerland, Belgium, and Singapore to promote the establishment of small, independent states in multicultural regions, enhancing regional stability and development.

  1. Develop a "Global Symbiosis Charter"

Draft an international charter based on the philosophy of intersubjective symbiosis to regulate relationships among nations, communities, and individuals, providing institutional safeguards for global peace and cooperation.


Expected Outcomes


  1. Achieve Peace in Conflict Zones: End current wars and ensure regional stability through the proposed measures.

  2. Establish a New International Relations Model: Build a new security framework centered on intersubjective symbiosis to reduce conflicts and promote cooperation.

  3. Construct a Real-Time Regulation Mechanism for Symbiotic Networks:

    • Dynamically evaluate behaviors across multiple dimensions such as truth-falsehood, good-evil, beauty-ugliness, wisdom-foolishness, and divine-demonic, forming a real-time regulatory system.

    • Encourage constructive behaviors while suppressing destructive actions, enabling self-regulation on a global scale.




The core of Ending Wars, Rebuilding a New Global Peace Order lies in the innovative "Third Path." By combining high-threshold independence with robust international oversight mechanisms, this approach strikes a balance between sovereignty and human rights, ensuring peace and stability. Simultaneously, the Global Symbiosis Charter and the Global Symbiosis Council provide a sustainable framework for long-term international collaboration.

This proposal not only paves the way to end the Russia-Ukraine War but also renders any attempts at global domination by empires, alliances, or axis powers factually impossible. It marks a new chapter for humanity, leading us toward peace and symbiosis on a global scale.

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