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On Dec. 30, 2021, I texted mes
送交者: 王利民 2022月01月14日13:51:50 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: No Man's Land王利民 于 2022-01-14 13:50:50

On Dec. 30, 2021, I texted message to landlord Maurice Shiau's cell phone,
about the blown lightbulb on the ground floor hallway's ceiling. As usual,
Maurice does not reply at all to my text messages, although on the June 06
or 07, 2021 he mentioned about the text messages and then acted with his
accomplices to have the actual 2nd-floor old thug man to start CURSING ME
from his 2nd-floor window and then Maurice threw a trash ad paper to the
garbage bin and simply left the scene. My security cameras have found
Maurice came into this building at least on Jan. 06, and today, Jan. 14,
2022. Today, when I found Maurice was still in the front yard picking up the
trashes thrown by humanscums deliberately to mess the front or the garbage
bins used by me, I came out to talk directly to Maurice Shiau about the
hallway-ceiling's lightbulb replacement. He claimed he again did not bring.
I reminded Maurice by text message on Jan. 08, 2022 about this light and the
heating system's noises, though. In the past, when I asked for the
candelabra-based lightbulbs for the candelbra right in front of my apartment
door in the hallway, Maurice for so MANY MONTHS claimed that he forgot,
forgot...And then one time, Jyne Shiau, his wife, and he came together to
the front yard and gave out a box of MEDIUM-BASED lightbulbs for the
CANDELABRA. There is a lot more of the actual saga about the lights of the
ground-floor hallway and building frontwall, and their talks and acts on
these lights can shed enough light about their true identity. THEY OFTEN

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