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Note: SCO stands for Shangh..
送交者: 王利民 2022月01月15日09:27:44 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Thoughts to Russia, CSTO, SCO王利民 于 2022-01-12 07:07:26

Note: SCO stands for Shanghai Cooperation Organization, absolutely not the children-, particularly female-trafficking SCO which is St. Christopher-Ottilie or its more blurry and fraudulent current name SCO Family of Services. The American Evil System has long fucked up my daughters' mind and behavior through "education", online, "guidance counselors", "friends", etc, so they have not learned real knowledge or skills well, according to the more realistic national standardized tests and my occasional checking on their learning and their handling of real-life issues and their whatever hobbies other than addiction to online for games and other sick things, but they have grown with indifference, deception, betrayal, and even hostility to their parents, along with the American Evil System's humanscums' encouragement on my daughters to do so.

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