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BS principal's first ever resp
送交者: 王利民 2022月03月17日20:18:18 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Email to BS and NYS Courts王利民 于 2022-03-17 12:58:53

At 4:28 pm, 03/17/2022, BS Principal Rachel Hoyle sent her first-ever reply to me and the teachers, but not to my daughter Alexandria Wang or to NYS Courts, as the following:

"Dear teachers,
Please ignore this email.
You can reach out to Mr. Nasser with any questions.

M. Rachel Hoyle
The Bronx High School of Science"

I then responded with two separate follow-ups and included NYS Courts and my daughter Alexandria Wang, so they should know what BS and its Principal have acted and said.

On 5:02 pm, 03/17/22, my first response:
"Is a non-responsible Principal your BOSS? You think you can ignore THE EVIL that the BS has carried out onto a young female high school student and thus onto her parents. We will test the American Evil System. Any Mr. or Mrs., you would ever give a glimpse of the so-called Holocaust Musuem room at BS? If you do, you should not ignore what the HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM have done to a young Chinese girl Alexandria Wang and to her parents and family."

On 5:25 pm, 03/17/22, my second response:
"Your so-called Mr. Nasser, an assistant principal in the Guidance Department of BS, has NEVER initiated any contact with me the parent about the "SPECIAL CASE" on my daughter Alexandria Wang. Instead, Mr. Nasser seemed to have the interest of sending junk emails through the parent coordinator Mrs. Cindy Golan about Affirmations with whatever crap sayings from whomever to my email address! It's until BS Principal Rachel Hoyle's FIRST-EVER response to me about my daughter Alexandria Wang and their fabricated "child neglect case" that it seems that it's a different Guidance Counselor, Mr. Nasser, instead of Darby McHugh as multiple times told by Attendance on my calls, holding the "Special Case". 

I would test whether this is a "FREE World" or a "SLAVERY SYSTEM'. To me, while a School Principal does not hold her responsibilities over a student abducted by the American Evil System, you are supposed to have your own responsibility on what you should do or not as a teacher to a student and her parent."

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