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送交者: 纽约大被窝 2022月05月16日00:31:53 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 人往高处走,ZT中国女人倒贴钱养香港男人FVCK 于 2009-04-25 19:37:38

The Economy and Markets

B N T 9 Q  s

5/15  Buy signals vs Fed – Zero Hedge
5/15  Goldman trader: “I have never seen stats like this before” – Zero Hedge
5/15  The everything bubble: deflating, or collapsing completely? – Birch Gold
5/15  Beware of a global economy with little fires everywhere – Project Syndicate
5/15  Why the stock market is bloody, crypto’s looking like a horror movie – Slate
5/14  Fed unveils largest QT program in history: how markets may react – USAgold
5/14  Consumer sentiment at financial crisis lows – Sounding Line
5/14  Kim Dotcom: Global collapse is coming – worse than we can imagine – Thread
5/14  Massive stock market leverage unwinds amid brutal bloodletting – Wolf Street
5/14  Mark Mobius: Stocks are probably going lower – Zero Hedge
5/14  Art Cashin says panic in stocks has people selling all they can – KNW
5/14  Strategist says stocks may become a ‘meat-grinder of forlorn hope’ – CNBC

Real Estate Bubble

5/15  Hong Kong Exodus: 80% of people in Hong Kong want to emigrate – ZH
5/15  Curveballs in the housing bubble bust – Charles Hugh Smith
5/15  The new real-estate bubble: Companies betting big in the metaverse – Yahoo!
5/15  ‘It’s unlikely home prices will plummet.’ 5 pros predict prices – MarketWatch
5/13  Home prices could fall in some US cities: where and why – FC


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疫情 四川 全国 A股 本土 3月18日 2022 


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回国机票$360起 | 商务舱省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出炉:海航获五星
海外华人福利!在线看陈建斌《三叉戟》热血归回 豪情筑梦 高清免费看 无地区限制
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2008: 与多数中国媒体相比 美国CNN公正得
2008: 乐善好施者之戒
2007: 米国最近制造的三个假英雄
2007: 马英久搬起“民主”砸自己的脚
2006: 诈胡是要反赔的
2006: 夜总会里谈民运
2005: 王道、霸道和人道
2005: 风满上海滩
2004: 海外华人看祖国
2004: 重塑理工科思维形象