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2022-09-27 09:16:07

FOUR Russian warships and three Chinese naval ships including a guided missile cruiser are spotted off the coast of Alaska[编辑] [删除] [引用] [置顶]

FOUR Russian warships and three Chinese naval ships including a guided missile cruiser are spotted off the coast of Alaska



  • A routine patrol came across the Chinese missile cruiser, officials said Monday

  • It sailed about 86 miles north of Alaska's Kiska Island, on September 19

  • Two other Chinese naval ships and four Russian naval vessels, including a destroyer, were then spotted in single formation



A US Coast Guard ship on routine patrol in the Bering Sea came across a guided missile cruiser from China, officials said Monday.

But it turned out the cruiser wasn't alone as it sailed about 86 miles north of Alaska's Kiska Island, on September 19.

Two other Chinese naval ships and four Russian naval vessels, including a destroyer, were spotted in single formation, the patrol boat, known as a cutter called Kimball, discovered.ADVERTISEMENT

The Honolulu-based Kimball, a 418-foot vessel, observed as the ships broke formation and dispersed.

A C-130 Hercules provided air support for the Kimball from the Coast Guard station in Kodiak.

The US Coast Guard disclosed the sighting on Monday in a press release. 

A Coast Guard Cutter Kimball crew-member observes a foreign vessel in the Bering Sea, Monday, September 19, 2022, in a photo provided by the US-coastguard. The routine patrol in the Bering Sea came across the guided missile cruiser from China, officials said Monday
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A Coast Guard Cutter Kimball crew-member observes a foreign vessel in the Bering Sea, Monday, September 19, 2022, in a photo provided by the US-coastguard. The routine patrol in the Bering Sea came across the guided missile cruiser from China, officials said Monday

'While the formation has operated in accordance with international rules and norms, we will meet presence with presence to ensure there are no disruptions to US interests in the maritime environment around Alaska,' Rear Admiral Nathan Moore, Seventeenth Coast Guard District commander said.

The Coast Guard said Operation Frontier Sentinel guidelines call for meeting 'presence with presence' when strategic competitors operate in and around U.S. waters.

The Kimball will continue to monitor the area.

The Coast Guard did not immediately respond to questions about the incident from The Associated Press.

The Chinese and Russian formation came a month after NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned about China's interest in the Arctic and Russia's military buildup there.

Stoltenberg said Russia has set up a new Arctic Command and has opened hundreds of new and former Soviet-era Arctic military sites, including deep-water ports and airfields.

China has declared itself a 'near Arctic' state and plans to build the world's largest icebreaker, he said.

'Beijing and Moscow have also pledged to intensify practical cooperation in the Arctic. This forms part of a deepening strategic partnership that challenges our values and interests,' Stoltenberg said in a visit to Canada's north.

This wasn't the first time Chinese naval ships have sailed near Alaska waters. In September 2021, Coast Guard cutters in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean encountered Chinese ships, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) off the Aleutian Islands.

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    多吃吧. 吃多了也变沙茶  /无内容 - 绿野仙人 09/27/22 (99)
      开个玩笑你也处处较真,绷那么紧何苦。  /无内容 - 空行 09/27/22 (154)
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          那些人满脑子还是股票,黄金,嘿嘿。  /无内容 - 空行 09/28/22 (72)
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