美加當選首腦遵守諾言的驚人一致 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
送交者: NI4U 2017年02月06日08:54:46 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
西方政治家常常是競選時諾言多多,當選後兌現少少。美國現任總統特朗普競選時的諾言可謂是驚天地,嚇鬼神,譬如要在美墨邊境修建新時代長城、限制穆斯林移民/難民,等等。許多人,包括筆者,都認為這只不過是政治家爭取選票的慣用伎倆。沒曾想,這位總統還挺遵守諾言,上任伊始,啪啪啪,簽署了一系列命令,其中就有禁止七個穆斯林國家公民進入美國的命令。 無獨有偶,北方的加拿大總理在當選後,儘管在其它諾言,如基建投資上遲遲不見動靜(至少一年過後,飽受交通堵塞困擾的多倫多未見任何道路建設),但關於穆斯林難民許下的諾言,兌現既快又徹底 — 不但如期接受許諾的2.5萬穆斯林難民,還把難民指標提升到每年五萬,占移民/難民總額的1/6! 關於穆斯林移民/難民對本國經濟政治的影響,各有各的見解。下面的人口普查和兩份研究報告揭露的數據,也許能給人答案。 穆斯林人口比例
1991至2011的二十年間,穆斯林人口以每十年翻番的速度增長,而同期加拿大總人口的增長率為11%。根據這趨勢,即使拋開增加的指標,大約三十年後,穆斯林人口比例將超過50%,加拿大成為新的穆斯林國家。而自由黨的努力,有望讓這期限提前。 2016加拿大穆斯林人群研究(The Globe and Mail, 2016):文化傳統感增強 "Religious observance among Muslims has strengthened over the past decade. An increasing number are attending mosques for prayers on a regular basis (at least once a week) and (among women) are wearing the hijab. In both cases the trend is most noticeable among Muslims 18 to 34 years of age, in contrast with the broader trend in Canadian society where youth are turning away from organized religion." 2015加拿大聯邦選舉投票率研究(CBC, 2016):穆斯林人群投票非常踴躍和集中 “Of those who said they had voted in the 2015 federal election, 65 per cent reported voting for the Liberals, with 10 per cent saying they voted for the New Democrats and just two per cent for the Conservatives.”
參考文獻 加拿大統計局人口普查網站:http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/index-eng.cfm “Liberals won over Muslims by huge margin in 2015, poll suggests”, CBC, Apr 29, 2016, http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/grenier-environics-muslims-politics-1.3555216 “Why Muslims are proud Canadians”, The Globe and Mail, 2016, Apr. 28, 2016, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/why-muslims-are-proud-canadians/article29774194/ |
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