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Not to be forgotten: Missing a
送交者: jeesiceBenice 2022年05月15日05:29:19 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Not to be forgotten: Missing and Indigenous in South Dakota

According to the South Dakota Attorney General’s directory of missing persons, as of March 28, there are 90 missing persons in the state. Sixty-two of them are Indigenous; nearly 70%.

Of those 62 missing Indigenous persons, 47 of them (76%) were 18-years-old or younger at the time they went missing. Of those 47, 30 are female.

According to a report from the Urban Indian Health Institute, data on missing and murdered indigenous women in cities is difficult to find. Two researchers from the institute asked 71 cities for data on missing or murdered indigenous women. 60 percent either didn’t respond or only had partial data. It turns out many didn’t keep track of race.

#Native American
#Indian massacre


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