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Why Native American children h
送交者: jeesiceBenice 2022年05月20日06:51:52 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Why Native American children have higher rates of disability

The rates of disability among U.S. children are increasing, with the highest rate of disability among Native American children, according to a newly released brief by the U.S. Census Bureau.

More than 3 million children in the U.S. had a disability in 2019, slightly up from data collected more than a decade ago.

But a disproportionate number of Native American children (5.9%) had a disability, followed by children of more than one race (5.2%) and Black children (5.1%). Household income also appeared to play a role, with 6.5% of children living below the poverty line having a disability, as compared to 3.8% of children living in families with incomes above the poverty threshold.

#Native American children
#American Indian


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