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My INDOOR Phone Calls to Daughters on Sept 06,2022
送交者: 王利民 2022年09月07日14:56:15 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

My Attempted INDOOR Phone Calls to My Two Daughters on Sept. 06, 2022 --- My Daughter Alexandria Wang being Seduced and Abducted by Humanscums of the American Evil System, "Child Neglect" Case NN-09918-21
Sept. 06, 2022
by Limin Wang

My two daughters have both grown above 18-years-old now, but the HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM have long seduced, misguided, and then de facto abducted them. The younger daughter, Alexandria Wang, then 17-and-a-half years old, was seduced and abducted into a claim of "suicidal thought" and then abducted into an ambulance and then into FORCED "PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSES AND TREATMENTS" WITHOUT any consent from either the PARENTS or the almost-adult daughter herself, first at Long Island Jewish Medical Center and then at South Oaks Hospital, and then into further UNCONSENTED "psychiatric therapy" and SECRET "foster care" under the "child neglect" case NN-09918-21. The elder daughter Rosila Wang was THEN OPENLY affected by those HUMANSCUMS of the American Evil System. I started to live broadcasting my FAILED ATTEMPTS of PHONE CALLS to my young-adult-aged DAUGHTERS, because I need any CONSCIENTIOUS audience online to WITNESS that it's MOSTLY DUE TO that the AES HUMANSCUMS HAVE CONTROLLED AND RESTRICTED ANY DIRECT COMMUNICATION OR CONTACT BETWEEN THE PARENTS AND THE YOUNG-ADULT CHILDREN. In the immediate aftermath months of Alexandria being ripped away from the parents, Alexandria still had some text-messaging, sometimes including some photos, one photo of herself, communications with me, BUT THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM INFLICTS TECHNICAL CONTROLS SO THESE IMAGES DOWNLOADED TO MY COMPUTER ALL CLAIM AS EMPTY FILES AND THUS NOT VIEWABLE. The AES HUMANSCUMS have fabricated and distorted almost everything to KEEP GOING ON WITH THEIR EVIL WORDS AND ACTS, only because THEY ARE THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM WITH THE POWER. Russians and your allies, stand up for your RIGHTEOUS VALUES and destroy your RUINERS. The CONTROLLED PROPAGANDA INDUSTRIES of the AES and its puppet evil regimes ONLY LOUDSPEAK the FABRICATED FALSE "democracy" and "liberty" and "happiness" while being governmental conspirators of SILENCING THEIR REAL SYSTEMATIC VICTIMS BY ALL MEANS.

As I revealed in the audio of the live broadcast, my phone showed ABSOLUTE NO SIGNAL INDOOR WHILE IT WAS ONLY A COUPLE OF FEETS AWAY FROM THE BACKYARD WINDOW. The phone immediately claimed "Cellular Network Not Available" while I made these outgoing phone calls. However, when humanscums of the American Evil System on SELECTIVE SOMETIMES wanted my phone to ring on incoming calls, my phone would work ABSOLUTELY NORMAL even though it was FURTHER INDOOR. The all-time and real-time SECRET POLICING on me, on my daughters, and on all our electronic devices, intends to divide and destroy my family while FRAMING THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S HUMANSCUMS' EVIL AS MY, THE FATHER'S TO MY DAUGHTERS, AND THE HUSBAND'S TO MY WIFE, FAULTS OR EVEN GUILTS!!!

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The AES not only fails to provide the fair and safe environments for the parents to survive, but also ACTIVELY carries out plots to seduce and drug and brainwash Li Li into a "PSYCHOPATH" of absolute nonfunction outside but total malfunction inside for created and fabricated "domestic violence", and to attempt murders with numerous times and treacherous forms onto Limin Wang at slavery workplaces, medical venues, public space, and even rental residence. It's the American Evil System and its HUMANSCUMS, some identified such as the Indian-looking "chiropractor" Yazan Rajai Jabaji at New York Medical & Diagnostic Center, that have severely and permanently injured the parents to DISABILITY. However, the AES and its HUMANSCUMS via multiple means stupefy and misguide my young daughters into ignorance of real knowledge and skills, disbelief and even detest of the struggling and suffering parents. For example, one teenage daughter was "CORRECTING" me that VIOLENT AND SUDDEN TWIST of my INSTRUCTED-TO-BE-RELAXED head and neck as well as SNEAKY AND POWERFUL ELBOW CRUSHING on resting-supine SPINE by HUMANSCUM Jabaji on Feburary 17, 2018, Sat., in the VERY BEGINNING of the FIRST-EVER "chiropractic treament" at NYMDC is "supposed" to be "medical cracks".

When I briefly mentioned this specific "medical cracks" event of attempted murder to the "medical professionals" and two uniformed cops at the psychiatric ward of Queens General Hospital behind LOCKED DOORS on the FORCED AND HANDCUFFED Aug. 24, 2022 "medical" visit, the cops were LAUGHING and one HEAVY-BUILD negro man with a chest pin of "psychiatrist" responded that "I am on vacation." DARE THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM TO HAVE SECURITY CAMERAS ALL AROUND WITHIN HOSPITALS AND EXAMINE THE POSSIBLE SURVIVED FOOTAGES.

My young adult daughters are being isolated from the father's RIGHT EDUCATION and being DRUGGED, INTIMIDATED, CONTROLLED, AND BRAINWASHED to be "TOOLS" AGAINST me the father. Before the AES HUMANSCUMS' openly acted NN-09918-21 case (starting from late Sept. 2021), BOTH MY DAUGHTERS HAD BEEN NORMALLY COMMUNICATING WITH, BEHAVING TO, CARING AND HELPING ME THE FATHER.

American Evil System must die, and its HUMANSCUMS must lose power, for the HUMAN BEINGS to live as HUMAN BEINGS. AES HUMANSCUMS can NOT and shall NOT FOREVER FOOL, ENSLAVE, EVICT, MURDER people.

The Facebook live broadcast's audio weblink is https://www.facebook.com/limin.wang.94651/videos/965948144343927

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