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送交者: 金無明 2022年10月29日07:43:09 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話


----- Forwarded Message -----                  From:   To: "dh;


李良書簡 10-29-2022  



未知生,焉知死?   子不語,怪力亂神 ” - 孔子  

五蘊皆空 無無明,亦無無明盡 成,住,壞,空 -   釋迦牟尼  



------ Original Message ------
Received: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 11:41:14 PM CDT
From: D
To: J
Cc: C
Subject: Re: 'There are two types of the West'

       well said          
       On Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 5:40 AM J wrote:        
                           “”“I am teaching Confucius culture to you and the others”“”                      chiang kai-shek had tried.                      seems like he got u.                            
           On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 9:35 PM C> wrote:            
                        I am teaching Confucius culture to you and the others, in line with the mercifulness that Buddha taught.               That is the only salvation you can possibly find.  Last chance to regain your nature as a human..                              treasure it.                                              
               On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 10:05 PM J wrote:                
                                ho, stop barking anti-fengjian brainwashing from the licentious liberal democRATs to us.                                  
                   On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 2:36 AM C wrote:                    
                                         Secularízation like the type Trump has brought out is dangerous. The  forces are always there, like a volcano that erupts time and again.                                                                 
                     It is liberal democracy that provides a vent to relief the pressure to prevent eruption.                                                                 
                      And it is the veneer of morals and civility and even noble ideals that  every nation tries to keep up in a world that proclaims freedom that  prevents outright military conflicts                                                                 
                      For Putin religion is personal and its appearance of noble ideals had  kept Russia at peace with Europe. But Europe became complacent and  depend on Russia for gas and oil and now Putin sees the opportunity to  swallow up Eastern Europe and the Baltics.                                                                 
                     Can Europe afford to let that happen?                                                                 
                         On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 12:09 AM J> wrote:                          


Like mao, putin has to be a ultra-pragmatist to survive. 


作者:a自由人 回復 a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-30 09:34:17

作者:a自由人 回復 金無明 回帖時間:2022-10-30 09:32:15

作者:金無明 回復 果子狸 回帖時間:2022-10-30 08:28:42

作者:金無明 回復 a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-30 08:27:00

作者:空行 回復 果子狸 回帖時間:2022-10-29 12:42:09



作者:a自由人 回復 a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:59:02

作者:a自由人 回復 a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:46:24

作者:a自由人 回復 a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:34:15

作者:a自由人 回復 a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:33:34

作者:a自由人 回復 果子狸 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:32:34

作者:a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:30:31

作者:a自由人 回復 a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:29:53

作者:果子狸 回復 果子狸 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:29:44

作者:a自由人 回復 a自由人 回帖時間:2022-10-29 11:22:02

作者:金無明 回復 金無明 回帖時間:2022-10-29 09:23:56

作者:金無明 回復 金無明 回帖時間:2022-10-29 09:19:51




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