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送交者: 金無明 2022年11月23日06:48:06 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話


---- Forwarded Message -----                  From: To: y  Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 08:24:07 AM CST  Subject: Zero Covid policy is one of the few correct policies China has taken Re: Massive "Violent" Unrest Ro

Zero Covid policy is one of the few correct policies China has taken

Leeliang letters 11-23-2022

Zero Covid policy is one of the few correct policies China has taken. It may cause some local inconvenience but overall it is justifiable.

According to world statistics(https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/), till today, death of Covid in China is 5231 comparing to US's 1,103,355, whereas the tiny island Taiwan is more than 14,060, almost three times of Mainland China; most of the death are senior folks.

We must realize that it is the failure of the West and other countries who tried to bad-mouth China for her zero Covid policy to cover up their own incompetence.

It is a cost/benefit issue; just think, if it is so bad for China, the anti-China West would encourage China to continue and enlarge this zero Covid policy rather than ridicule it.

Use your brain!

(From google translator:


李良書簡 11-23-2022




這是一個成本/收益問題;試想一下,如果它對中國如此不利,那麼反華的西方人會鼓勵中國繼續並擴大這種零 Covid 政策,而不是嘲笑它。


------ Original Message ------
Received: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 07:06:40 AM CST
From: yew
Subject: Massive "Violent" Unrest Rocks World's Largest iPhone Factory In China

              China leaders are most stupid to continue their zero covid policy.                      
       Zero covid policy are destroying jobs, business, just to save.........................                      
       Are the Chinese vaccine Sinovac not effective ?                      
       India seem to be not too concern about covid anymore.                      
        Massive "Violent" Unrest Rocks World's Largest iPhone Factory In China        
        WEDNESDAY, NOV 23, 2022        
        I think we all know what the real threat is. 100 elites playing god  based on infantile, flawed science using more lies than a bad mystery  novel. Not only are they evil, they are very bad at hiding it.        
                           India                      Coronavirus Cases:                      44,671,119                       Deaths:                       530,596                      Recovered:                      44,133,433                                          

    的確荒謬。共匪污毛間諜 是在 指鹿為馬!  /無內容 - a自由人 11/24/22 (108)
  試想一下,如果它對中國如此不利,  /無內容 - 金無明 11/23/22 (106)
    那麼反華的西方人會鼓勵中國繼續並擴大這種零 Covid 政策  /無內容 - 金無明 11/23/22 (93)
      而不是嘲笑它!  /無內容 - 金無明 11/23/22 (105)
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