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Russia Should Arm USUK's ENEMY
送交者: 王利民 2023年07月11日11:43:27 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Russia Should Arm USUK’s ENEMIES for Direct Conflicts

By Limin Wang

July 11, 2023, revised July 12, 2023

The USUK-led evil system has the guts to portray itself as something ever good while actually basicly using brutal force directly or indirectly to deceive, defraud, enslave, and/or destroy its victim individuals, families, entities, and states. Russia should arm the USUK’s ENEMIES, INCLUDING people and entities in the territory of former-Ukraine and the USUK-led block itself, under whatever claims such as for genocide prevention, democracy, freedom, justice, revengeance, BASIC human rights, etc, with whatever weapons and other resources, sourced from Russia or originated from the “West”, and ENCOURAGE them to DIRECTLY attack, via whatever kinds of means, WHATEVER targets WITHIN the USUK-led block itself. Russia, give yourself, your allies, your friends, your admirers, the bystanders, your enemies-to-be-no-enemies, AND your archenemies, that THE PROSPECT AHEAD IS REAL DEMOCRACY IN POLITICS AND REAL COMMUNISM AND THUS FREEDOM IN ECONOMICS, and from now on answer your enemies with POWERFUL ACTION ONTO THEMSELVES, because they really and truly are NOTHING BUT HUMANSCUMS, VICIOUS EVIL HUMANSCUMS WITH ENDLESS LIES AND EVIL, and would NEVER face any TRUTH or FACTS until their factual defeats.

  About the Ukraine Grains, Russ - 王利民 07/12/23 (137)
  updated 07/12/23  /無內容 - 王利民 07/12/23 (122)
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