中國、美國超市的“龍利魚片”是越南鯰魚,不是深海比目魚 |
送交者: 烹小鮮 2013年09月26日15:01:28 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話 |
中國、美國超市的“龍利魚片”是越南鯰魚(Swai),不是深海比目魚 組圖
Swai / Basa / Tra - Vietnamese Catfish - Shark Catfish On the Internet, there are more outright lies about these fish than just about any other food item - lies spread mainly by unethical catfish farmers who, faced with competition, chose smear campaigns and political manipulation rather than improving their methods to compete. See Catfish Wars below. Is it safe to eat? Yes, it has been confirmed as safe as American catfish by independent testing labs, major food distributors (and their insurance companies), and the U.S. Federal Government. They are very low in mercury and are also also easier on the environment than most farmed fish. They are omnivores and can be grown on mostly vegetable matter rather than the wild caught fish and crustaceans many other farmed fish require. Vietnamese catfish, a genus known as "Shark Catfish" from their shape, are quite different from American Channel Catfish. It takes quite a bit of careful trimming to make fillets that are interchangeable with American fillets. They still vary slightly, being wider, thinner and more delicate in flavor and texture. In the Mekong these fish can grow to over 3 feet long, but farmed fish are harvested much smaller. The photo specimen, P. bocourti, was 17-1/4 inches long and weighed 2 pounds 6 ounces. Two varieties are widely farmed, Basa (P. pangasius) and Swai / Tra (P. hypophthalmus), but what is shipped to the U.S. is mostly Swai. Basa is preferred in Vietnam but, since U.S. buyers don't care, the faster growing Swai is shipped. Swai fillets are thinner and a little coarser than Basa.
More on Catfish. Pictured to the left is the form you will find sold in markets here in North America - nicely cleaned and frozen fillets. This is described by exporters as: "belly off, fat off, red meat off". Fillets can weigh anywhere between 2 ounces to over 11 ounces, but they are sold in bags containing only a single size. These fillets can be used in place of regular catfish, or for many fish recipes not traditionally used with catfish. Most Americans don't even know Swai is catfish. The fillets are light in flavor and stay firm enough for most methods of cooking where fillets are called for. Whole Basa Most Americans have never seen a Basa or Swai in it's natural form. Nor had I, but back in early 2011 I felt myself fortunate to find frozen ones in a very large Asian market here in Los Angeles. Now, over a year later, they are easily found on ice in the Philippine markets. The 2011 model was very skillfully factory cleaned by making a small cut under the jaw. For the photo and uncleaned weight I reversed this by stuffing the fish with wet paper towels. Like any other catfish, Basa and Swai have no scales (so are not kosher). They are fairly easy to clean and fillet, though there is a heavy bone extending from the top of the head up to the dorsal fin. It's best to fillet from the top down to the backbone, then over the backbone from the tail forward. Cut the rib cage away from the backbone with kitchen shears. Pull the ribs with long nose pliers - they come out very easily, taking almost no flesh. There are no centerline spines to deal with - the filets will be entirely bone free. The photo shows the fillet cut from the Basa at the top of the page, including the first trimming cuts. At the top of the photo is the part that is further prepared for export to North America. Bottom left is the belly, which is mostly fat and not particularly appetizing. Lining the inside of the belly are additional large deposits of fat, some of which is shown to the lower right. In Vietnam, local uses are found for these offcuts. You do need to remove the skin because it has a sharp fish-oil taste and shrinks rather severely when heated - enough to curl the fillets badly. Skinning these fillets is very easy by the long knife and cutting board method - the skin is strong and cooperative. To the left is shown the skin side of a skin-off fillet, displaying the considerable amount of "red meat". This has a strong oily taste and must be removed for the fillet to be acceptable for export. I don't know how they do that, but they do a very nice job of it. I was surprised to find the head, bones and fins simmered for 1/2 hour made a quite serviceable stock without a strong flavor. Seeing competition from Vietnam, American catfish farmers organized an expedition to that country to gather dirt for a propaganda campaign. They found no dirt. As one catfish man said, "We went expecting to find catfish raised in polluted waters and processed in primitive facilities. That's not what we found, and we're scared to death". With the actual truth solidly against them by their own admission, American catfish farmers have proven less ethical than even the Congress critters they seek to "influence". They have succeeded in getting legislation passed interfering with imports of Vietnamese fish, though that success has turned into a sort of comedy of errors. They have also spread lying articles all over the Internet, some so absurd only Tea Party members could believe them. Their advertising campaigns have been denounced as deception and half truths even by the U.S. Government. Some Internet articles have even played the "mercury in fish" card. Mercury is a problem only with large predatory fish living in the oceans - and not much of a problem even there. Vietnamese catfish is a freshwater fish and not a predator, so mercury is not a concern. At the behest of the catfish farmers, Congress passed a law that only "Channel Catfish" could be called "Catfish" in the United States, preventing some 2000 other species of catfish from being called catfish. Distributors briefly called Vietnamese catfish "China Sole", but that was a bit deceptive, so they settled on "Basa". That was also a little inaccurate, because what was being shipped here was mostly Swai. Americans can't tell the two apart, but the Vietnamese can, and keep the Basa for themselves. Vietnamese catfish is now packaged and sold mostly as "Swai", which is accurate. The major effect of this name change is that Americans who think they don't like catfish now buy this fish and enjoy it - but it gets even worse for the catfish farmers. The Chinese started raising Channel Cat for export to the United States. As is usual in Chinese practice, the product was often adulterated. This caused the Feds to require extra testing (at extra cost). Knowing the Chinese would find a way to sneak their fish in disguised as American raised catfish, the testing is required for all catfish. This means added cost for American catfish growers as well. Now, guess who's catfish doesn't need to pay the inspection cost because it can't be called "Catfish". So the catfish farmers went back to Congress asking for the Vietnamese to be forced to call their product "Catfish". They also asked for import control to be transferred from the FDA to the USDA, a process that could have stopped Vietnamese imports for up to three years. Both these efforts have failed - so far. Of course the American catfish industry is actually suffering, and production has declined, but it's not primarily from Vietnamese competition. The main cause is much higher feed costs resulting from Congress's brain dead "Food into SUV Fuel" ethanol program. sf_catvnz 110310 -©Andrew Grygus - - Photos on this page not otherwise credited are © cg1 - Linking to and non-commercial use of this page permitted
蘇瓦伊/巴薩/茶 - 越南鯰魚 - 鯊魚鯰魚
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Swai-Iridescent shark photo
Is Swai and Basa safe? Wow! What a loaded question surrounded by mystery, power, intrigue and deceit. I had to do a lot of reading for this one. First, let’s set the stage. There is a lot of negative information (mostly false) about catfish from Vietnam (Basa & Swai), including a very inflammatory video saying that the fish are raised in filth ridden cesspools of pollution and sold to the US market. Most of this information is propaganda. The Start of the Catfish Wars In 2002 the catfish industry found that they had lost 20% of catfish sales to Vietnamese catfish. In response, the Catfish Farmers of America did what has become all too common in America today… they shed their integrity and lobbied, whined and complained to Congress to pass some sort of legislation which would hinder or outlaw their competition. They asked Congress to pass a law which would define market place “catfish” in the U.S. as being only the “Channel Catfish” species which they raised. It was an unethical move which unfortunately Congress supported. In 2003 Mississippi Sen. Trent Lott introduced a measure in the U.S. Senate – through an obscure amendment attached to an unrelated appropriations bill – which stated that only the U.S. species of catfish could be called “catfish” in the U.S. market place. Congress passed this law and made it illegal for any of the other 2000+ varieties of scientifically recognized catfish to be sold in the U.S., including (especially) Vietnamese catfish. It was after this legislation that Vietnamese Catfish was re-marketed as Basa and Swai or Tra. Additionally, Congress also placed high tariffs on the import of Vietnamese Basa & Swai. There is some evidence that the Vietnamese government subsidized these fish farms so that the product could be sold to the US market at below cost prices in order to edge-out U.S. catfish. There may be good evidence to support this charge, but you’ll have to research this part yourself to determine its veracity.
Catfish Wars Failure Despite these setbacks and all the negative marketing (kind of like an election campaign!), Vietnamese catfish (Basa and Swai) was still the 10th most popular seafood among U.S. consumers in 2009. And in several blind tastings [1] [2] people preferred Basa over U.S. Catfish. Additionally, an independent study on the safety, nutrition and taste of Vietnamese catfish was done by Doug Marshall, a professor of food science and technology at Mississippi State, and graduate student at Amit Pal. He evaluated Basa and Channel Catfish by asking three questions: Did one have more bacteria than the other? How about nutrition? What about taste? The frozen imports were compared to frozen, farm-raised channel catfish from local grocery stores. "Both fish were about the same in terms of quality and safety indicators," Marshall said. Also, nutritionally, both fish were about the same, though the US fish were a bit fattier" he said. In another article dated 2001 a group of U.S. catfish farmers and processors traveled to Vietnam on a fact-finding mission. “We thought we’d find them growing fish in polluted water and processing them in crude plants,” says one processor who went on the trip. “But that’s not what we found. We came back scared to death.” The Vietnamese operations were vastly better than what they had expected. Catfish Farmers Try New Tactic in Catfish War In 2008, seeing that Basa & Swai were becoming threats again to the catfish industry, the catfish lobby went back to congress with a new agenda. They had complained six years ago that if was not fair for the Vietnamese to call their fish “catfish” and lobbied Congress to make it illegal to do so. It didn’t work, so now they complained that they want Basa and Swai to be forced to be called catfish! This change would create a lot of red tape which would hurt the Vietnamese import while they scramble to implement changes established by the new law. The U.S. catfish industry also lobbied to have the oversight of imported catfish changed from the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration to the Department of Agriculture. Since negotiating international agreements on food inspections usually takes two to five years, this change could mean Vietnamese Basa and Swai imports are barred until negotiations are completed. The U.S. catfish lobby is simply trying to legislate the elimination of their competition. In October 2010 the Catfish Farmers of America (CFA) started a new media campaign with a TV ad. The 30-second ad shows a woman serving two children a meal. “Did you know only 2 percent of imported seafood is inspected? The Mekong River in Vietnam, full of contaminants, sends us 100 million pounds of catfish each year, and 98 percent gets served for dinner un-inspected,” she says. “Congress voted to fix this problem, but the White House won’t act. Mr. President, please, make our families’ health and safety your No. 1 concern.”
“This is just another sad chapter in a special interest’s effort to keep choices from the American consumer. Imported fish undergoes the same strict safety controls that domestic catfish has undergone for more than 10 years,” said NFI President John Connelly. “In the past decade seafood, both imported and domestic, has enjoyed an excellent food-safety record because the public health professionals regulating seafood at the FDA know their jobs. Claiming this is anything other than a trade issue is as laughable as the exaggerated concern seen in this ad.” The Bottom Line on Swai and Basa Safety A highly inflammatory video regarding Basa farming is popular on YouTube. I believe that much of this video is propaganda to keep Americans buying US catfish. Although I support buying American products, I don't believe that every Vietnamese aqua farmer is raising fish in sewage and that the US allows them to dump their filth into our food system. Have you been visited by the health inspector lately? Do you really believe they would allow sewage infested fish into the country? Someone is being deceitful. Bottom line--know and trust your vendor and supplier. If it is a major food supply company like Sysco (who sells Swai from the Mekong River), they have a multi-million dollar insurance policy simply to protect their customers from the ramifications of bad food. Companies such as this use highly integrated tracking systems and require traceability through-out the entire food chain back to the original source. They are not going to purchase a product which is unhealthy, dangerous, poisonous, polluted, or in some other way liable to cost them a law suit. Another reputable company is iPura. According to iPura Director of Business Development Ron Calonica “iPura products are monitored throughout the food chain all the way to delivery. Products are tested at the grow-out ponds before they are allowed into the plant and then retested during processing before packaging in a clean room that is cleaner than a hospital surgical room, reducing the chances for cross contamination; it is then monitored with temperature chips during transportation and cold storage. This ensures that data is accumulated, stored, and made available upon request, which allows the tracking system to validate that the product has not lost its integrity throughout the entire process of getting it to the end user.” “One of the nicest features iPura delivers is cleaner safer sustainable seafood that can be trusted. All iPura products are insured 110% against regulatory interventions such as recalls, rejection, etc." Ron says. "The only reason that iPura qualifies for that type of insurance is because of the extraordinary steps taken to ensure that the product is clean and free of dangerous pathogens, etc., insurers realize that their risk has been reduced tremendously. Retailers love it because they realize that iPura helps protects their image and brand. Food Safety is Good Business! ” Many companies, including iPura, use Trace Register to track the products they purchase and redistribute. Trace Register operates out of Seattle, but has offices throughout the world. Founded in 2005, Trace Register grew from a simple yet ambitious idea. What if we could trust what we buy, every time we buy—that it won’t make us sick; that it is what it says on the label; that it does not damage the planet, harm the community, or exploit the people producing it?
After extensive research and development, the Trace RegisterTM system was introduced as a powerful yet pragmatic solution for food traceability. Ours is a system that: •Incorporates the latest technology, standards, and advances in food production
Additional Reading:
November 2001 Buyer’s Guide-Basa Catfish - Seafood Business Magazine November 2001
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Pangasius for local consumption are grown in squalid conditions because the people live in squalid conditions. Commercial farms of enormous scale grow tens of thousands of fish in each pond. Swai are schooling fish so they naturally congregate and swim in dense schools. They are fed certified feed, which is traceable. 10% of the fish is used. All refuse of rendered down into food grade fish oil and fish meal. The Mekong is an enormous watershed and the volume of water that flows through daily is amazing. It is the same color as the Mississippi River, the big muddy, loaded with nutrients from the Himalayan mountains and the jungles of Cambodia and Laos. I have been inside some of these factories there, they are enormous, with care given to cleanliness and product quality for the US market. Are there some fly-by-night facilities? Yeah, they most likely serve the local market. you can take a video of this and then put it on the internet and create a completely false narrative. Who really wants to see Swai struggle? Most likely those with large vested interest in Tilapia. Swai is a far better fish to work with than Tilapia. The one thing Tilapia has working for it is it can be skinned and fillet by machine...Swai require thousands of workers with knives.
I agree that just because a vendor has an insurance policy it doesn't mean we can trust them or that they have our best interests in mind. However, the majority of the negative press about swai and basa has come from the catfish lobby, catfish region politicians, and catfish farmers. Do you think they are more trustworthy than the food vendors? I think that the bottom line is still the same...ask the right questions, trust no one without verification of trustworthiness and due diligence (whether it be swai fish, scallops, or the London Bridge!), and only eat/sell what you yourself are confident of.
Nah - they have such a huge insurance policy to protect themselves, with the cost of insurance typically reflecting the risk. That large policy is not for the protection of consumers, assumed to be too broke for a lawyer anyway. Besides, I personally would rather have my health than money (if I survive) and have to live with the aftermath. Just because a corporation carries insurance does not indicate that I should eat their product.
五彩蘇瓦伊的鯊魚照片 圖片來自維基共享。照片信息可以在這裡 蘇瓦伊和巴薩安全嗎?哇!一個加載的問題是什麼神秘,權力,陰謀和欺騙包圍。我不得不做大量的閱讀為這一個。首先,讓我們搭建了舞台。有很多來自越南的鯰魚(BASA蘇瓦伊)(多半是假的)負面信息,包括炎症視頻說,魚提出藏污納垢纏身的糞坑污染,並銷往美國市場。這種信息多數是宣傳。 鯰魚戰爭的開始 鯰魚產業在2002年發現,他們已經失去了20%的鯰魚銷售到越南鯰魚。作為回應,美國鯰魚養殖戶做了什麼,已成為今天在美國太常見了......,他們流下其完整性和遊說,發着牢騷,抱怨國會通過某種形式的立法,這將阻礙或禁止他們的競爭。他們要求國會通過一項法律,將定義在美國市場的“鯰魚”,只有“斑點叉尾鮰”他們提出的物種。這是一個不道德的舉動,不幸的是,國會支持。 2003年密西西比州參議員特倫特·洛特在美國參議院提出一項措施 - 通過一個不起眼的無關的撥款法案的修正案 - 這表示,只有美國的鯰魚物種可以被稱為“鯰魚”在美國市場的地方。 國會通過這項法律,非法任何2000 +科學界公認的鯰魚在美國銷售的品種,包括(尤其是)越南鯰魚的。在這項法例,越南鯰魚被重新銷售作為巴薩和蘇瓦伊的或茶。 此外,美國國會也寄予了很高的關稅,對進口越南巴薩蘇瓦伊的。有一些證據表明,越南政府補貼,使該產品可以銷往美國市場以低於成本的價格,以邊緣的美國鯰魚這些魚養殖場。有可能是很好的證據支持這一指控,但你必須自己研究這部分,以確定其真實性。 鯰魚戰爭失敗 儘管有這些挫折和所有的負面營銷(有點像競選!),越南鯰魚(巴薩和蘇瓦伊)仍然是美國消費者在2009年10大最受歡迎的海鮮。而且在一些盲品[1] [2]人首選巴薩對美國鯰魚。 此外,越南鯰魚的安全,營養和口味的一項獨立研究是由道格·馬歇爾,食品科學和技術在密西西比州立教授和研究生阿米特帕爾。他評價巴薩和斑點叉尾鮰問三個問題:一個有更多的細菌比其他?營養怎麼樣?味道怎麼樣? 進口的冷凍冷凍,農場飼養的斑點叉尾鮰從當地的雜貨店。 “這兩種魚大致相同的質量和安全性指標方面,”馬歇爾說。此外,營養,無論是魚大致相同,但美國的魚有點油膩“他說。 在2001年的另一篇文章中,一個組一個事實調查團前往越南,美國鯰魚養殖和處理器。 “我們認為我們會發現它們在受污染的水中生長的魚,加工原油植物,說:”誰去旅行的一個處理器。 “但是,這不是我們的發現。我們回來嚇死。“越南的操作比他們預期的好得多。 鯰魚養殖鯰魚戰爭中嘗試新戰術 2008年,鯰魚大堂看到,巴薩蘇瓦伊的再次成為威脅鯰魚產業,回去向國會提交一項新議程。六年前,他們曾抱怨,如果越南打電話給他們的“鯰魚”的魚是不公平的,並遊說國會,使其非法這樣做。它沒有工作,所以現在他們抱怨說,他們想巴薩和蘇瓦伊的到被迫成為所謂的鯰魚!這種變化會創造了很多的繁文縟節,這會傷害越南進口,而他們爭相實施變化建立新的法律。 美國鯰魚產業還遊說監督到農業部管轄的食品和藥物管理局從進口鯰魚。國際協定談判食品檢驗通常需要二至五年以來,這種變化可能意味着越南巴薩和蘇瓦伊進口被禁止,直到談判結束。美國鯰魚大堂立法只是想消滅他們的競爭對手。 美國(CFA),鯰魚養殖戶在2010年10月開始了一個新的媒體宣傳活動,配備了電視廣告。 30秒的廣告顯示了一個女人,兩個孩子服了一頓。 “你知道嗎,只有2%的進口海鮮檢查?在越南湄公河,充滿污染物,發送100萬磅的鯰魚,每年供應98%得到晚餐取消視察,“她說。 “國會投票來解決這個問題,但白宮將不會採取行動。主席先生,請讓我們的家人的健康和安全1號的關注。“ 國家漁業協會(NTI)回應指責終審法院再次歪曲事實,企圖嚇唬美國消費者只購買美國提出的鯰魚。 NFI進一步說,這種新的廣告充滿了“半真理和虛偽”。 “這是一個特殊利益的努力,從美國消費者的選擇,只是一個悲傷的一章。 NFI主席約翰·康奈利說,“經過同樣嚴格的安全控制,已經歷了超過10年的國內鯰魚的進口魚。 “在過去的十年海鮮,進口和國產的,有着優良的食品安全記錄規範的公共衛生專業人員在FDA的海鮮,因為知道自己的工作。聲稱這是任何其他比貿易問題是可笑的誇張關注,看到這個廣告。“ 在蘇瓦伊和巴薩安全底線 關於巴薩養殖是一個高度炎症視頻在YouTube上流行。我相信,該視頻是宣傳讓美國人購買美國鯰魚。雖然我支持買美國的產品,我不相信,每一個越南水產農民養魚污水中,美國允許他們進入我們的食物系統轉儲自己的污穢。你一直健康檢查參觀了嗎?你真的相信,他們將允許進入該國污水魚出沒?有人是騙人的。 底線 - 知道並信任你的供應商和供應商。如果它是一個主要的食品供應公司西斯科(銷售蘇瓦伊距離湄公河)等,他們有一個多億美元的保險政策,從壞的食物的後果,只是為了保護他們的客戶。如公司使用高度集成的跟蹤系統,並恢復到原來的源需要通過整個食物鏈的可追溯性。他們不會購買產品,這是不健康的,危險的,有毒,有污染,或任何其他方式花費他們的訴訟。 另一個著名公司iPura。據業務發展羅恩Calonica的“iPura產品iPura主任被監視整個食品鏈中所有的方式交付。產品測試在成魚池才獲准進廠,然後重新測試期間處理,然後包裝在一個乾淨的房間,這是比醫院手術室的清潔,減少交叉污染的機會;然後監測芯片溫度在運輸和冷庫。這將確保該數據積累,存儲,並提供請求時,它允許的跟蹤系統,以驗證該產品並沒有失去其完整性,在整個過程中得到它的最終用戶。“ “其中一個最好的功能iPura提供的是清潔安全的可持續海鮮是可以信任的。所有iPura產品投保110%,如召回,拒絕對監管幹預,“羅恩說,”唯一的原因,iPura符合這種類型的保險是因為採取的特別措施,以確保該產品是乾淨的,自由危險病原體等,保險公司意識到,他們的風險已大大降低。零售商喜歡它,因為他們意識到,iPura有助於保護自己的形象和品牌。食品安全是好生意! “ 許多公司,包括iPura,使用,跟蹤註冊跟蹤他們購買的產品和再分配。跟蹤註冊經營的西雅圖,但在世界各地設有辦事處。跟蹤註冊成立於2005年,從一個簡單而又雄心勃勃的理念增長。如果我們能相信我們買什麼,每次我們買的,它不會使我們生病,這是它的標籤上說什麼,它不會破壞地球,危害社會,或剝削人民生產呢? 經過廣泛的研究和發展,跟蹤RegisterTM系統被引入作為一個功能強大且務實的解決方案,對食品可追溯性。我們是一個系統, ◦任何公司都可以使用,無需投資昂貴,專有技術。 ◦捕獲和共享信息有關各類食品在供應鏈中的每一步。 ◦增強的物理供應鏈,連接所有的貿易夥伴從源頭到市場“信息供應鏈”。 •採用最新的技術,標準和食品生產的進步 更多閱讀: 2001年11月採購指南巴薩鯰魚 - 海鮮商業雜誌2001年11月 美國鯰魚戰爭的失敗蜇越南 - 亞洲時報“2003年7月 越南有美味的魚比美國 - IOL 2005年7月 鯰魚戰爭“:為什麼是美國封鎖越南資本主義進展? - 福克斯新聞網2006年2月 進口鯰魚是否對健康構成威脅嗎? - 食品安全新聞2010年2月 越南鯰魚會發生什麼? - 三月 2010 NFI:美國鯰魚大堂的歪曲真相 - 2010年10月 認證的負責任的魚的需求增長 - 2010年11月 監管障礙和名稱變化到目前為止還沒有停止進口的日益普及 - 海鮮商業雜誌2011年4月 對於鯰魚,天空的極限 - 2011年4月 (魚)吃謙卑餅 - 由斯特魯恩史蒂文森在Qualasa專業 特別興趣鯰魚大堂的失真強制 - 2011年七月SeafoodSource.com日 你有沒有發現有關的信息是越南蘇瓦伊的巴薩安全嗎?有用嗎?或者你有其他問題或信息要補充? 如果是這樣,發表評論! 評論[添加評論] SWAI海[] [9月10日] 任你甚至曾經是這些魚在湄公河地區?這是難以置信的安全,更清潔的比你會發現美國的許多設施是肯定的!日本和歐盟的標準都高於美國,而現在許多農場和加工認證BAP(農場和打包機),ASC,全球GAP,BRC,ISO,和其他。有許多世界一流的設施,有超過任何可能在美國。 本地消費鯰魚是生長在惡劣的環境中,因為人生活在惡劣的環境中。規模龐大的商業農場種植數萬成千上萬的魚,在每個池塘。蘇瓦伊魚群,於是他們自然就聚集在密集的學校和游泳。他們是認證的飼料餵養,這是有跡可尋的。使用10%的魚。所有垃圾分為食品級魚油和魚粉呈現。 湄公河是一個巨大的分水嶺,流經每天的水的體積是驚人的。它是密西西比河,大渾,裝有營養素從喜馬拉雅山脈的柬埔寨和老撾的叢林的顏色相同。我一直在這些工廠裡面的一些,他們是巨大的,考慮到美國市場的潔淨度和產品質量與護理。 有一些飛的夜設施嗎?是啊,他們最有可能為當地市場。你可以把這個視頻,然後把它在互聯網上創建一個完全錯誤的敘述。誰真的想看到蘇瓦伊鬥爭的呢?最有可能的那些大型既得利益羅非魚。蘇瓦伊是一個更好的魚比羅非魚。羅非魚為它工作的一件事是可以剝皮機和圓角蘇瓦伊需要數千名工人用刀子。 國寶布坎南[03月30日] 恕我直言 - 其實,主要提供者進行大型保險政策,因為有人一定犯了一個錯誤。我聽說從疾病相關到SWAI或巴沙零訴訟。但我已經聽到從下面的美國種植的產品:漢堡(大腸桿菌 - 傑克在箱),新鮮菠菜(大腸桿菌),苜蓿芽(大腸桿菌),大蔥(大腸桿菌)的訴訟。 我同意,只是因為供應商有一個保險政策,但這並不意味着我們可以信任他們,或者他們必須記住我們的最佳利益。然而,大部分負面新聞關於SWAI和巴沙已經從的鯰魚大堂,鯰魚地區的政客,和鯰魚養殖。你認為他們是更值得信賴的食品廠商? 我認為的底線仍然是相同的...問正確的問題,相信任何人未經核實的誠信和盡職調查(無論是SWAI魚,扇貝,或倫敦橋!),只能吃/賣什麼你自己有信心。 恕我直言,[] [03月30日] “他們有一個多億美元的保險政策,只是為了保護他們的客戶從壞的食物的後果”...... 羅 - 他們有這樣一個巨大的保險來保護自己,與保險的成本通常反映的風險。 ,大政策是不是對消費者的保護,假設反正也打破了一個律師。此外,我個人寧願我的健康比金錢(如果我生存)和住善後事宜。僅僅因為一個公司進行保險並不表明我應該吃他們的產品。 更多信息: |
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