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Navajo Nation president: Dispa
送交者: jeesiceBenice 2022年04月09日02:14:00 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Navajo Nation president: Disparities in health care system contribute to COVID-19’s impact on indigenous Americans

Navajo Nation president Jonathan Nez on Sunday said the pandemic has revealed disparities in the health care system across the United States, especially in Native American communities.

“I think this pandemic here has revealed some of the deficiencies in all of our health care systems throughout the country, but more so in Native American communities,” Nez told host Margaret Brennan on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Nez also pointed out that the Indian Health Service has been underfunded since it was established, adding that these health care professions are using the limited resources they have to fight the virus.

#Native American
#Navajo Nation


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