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Jan 21, 2022 Videos of APS "Menzies" and "Klein"
送交者: 王利民 2022年08月12日07:47:54 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

The Automatically-Ended-Early Video and the Full-Coverage Audio of "Adult Protective Services" "Ms. Antoinette Menzies" and "Psychiatrist " "Doctor David Klein" Visiting for Li Li on January 21, 2022 --- The Eviction Case LT-304213/21-QU of Landlords Maurice & Jyne Shiau vs Limin Wang, Li Li, "John Doe", "Jane Doe"


Publicized by Limin Wang on August 10, 2022


NYS or NYC "Adult Protective Services" social worker "Ms. Antoinette Menzies" and its "Psychiatrist" "Doctor David Klein" came to my to-be-evicted rental residence (136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355), at ~10:09 AM, SUPPOSEDLY to “psychiatric evaluation” my PSYCHIATRIC or "psychotic" WIFE Li Li at 10:00 AM, January 21, 2022, Fri, according to the AGAIN VERBAL-ONLY Decision/Order of "Adult Protective Services" from the Queens County "Civil Court" Judge Kimon C. Thermos on the January 13, 2022 "virtual hearing" on Eviction Case LT-304213/21 Landlords Maurice & Jyne Shiau vs Tenants Limin Wang, Li Li, "John Doe", "Jane Doe”. My two DAUGHTERS lived here together with the parents. But the AES HUMANSCUMS use the landlord's attorney Perry Ian Tischler to writtenly refer my BOTH DAUGHTERS as "Respondents John Doe and Jane Doe are named herein to acquire jurisdiction of any parties who may be in possession by virtue of an unauthorized license granted to them by the named Respondent, unbeknownst to the Petitioners." (image attached

Landlords and their attorney Perry Ian Tischler fabricate their distorted complaint page 14 of 40 received on Sept 03 2021 as a postal mail.jpg

Anyone can explain in plain English what the PROFESSIONAL HUMANSCUM ATTORNEY says here about my DAUGHTERS? Also in that SINGLE paragraph, the Shiau landlords and their attorney ABSOLUTELY FALSIFY the “an oral month to month” away from the ACTUAL MAURICE SHIAU’S HANDWRITTEN LEASE. The professional and authorative humanscums know how to professionally and authoratively PLAY the “law”.


The ORIGINAL VIDEO, https://youtu.be/C8suSK12GIU , was captured by my camera starting from around 10:09 AM, January 21, 2022, Friday, but was SOMEHOW automatically ended with only 10'43" length, PROBABLY due to the old camera's limited storage space. I have the full-coverage AUDIO version (converted to a VIDEO at https://www.facebook.com/100034901027923/videos/pcb.803365197503507/745482876688105

or a slightly-clipped-at-the-very-end version to fit the 15-min limit at YouTube, https://youtu.be/7_wvEjqiTi0 since no easy online place for AUDIO), and other FOOTAGES for the whole almost exact TWELVE MINUTES of verbal exchanges and meeting. The ORIGINAL video clearly showed the so-called "psychiatrist" "David Klein", by then with NO GOOGLE REVIEW at all, here self-claiming "only working for the city" but having been self-claiming his professional clinic and business schedule on the January 13, 2022 "virtual hearing" in "front" of Judge Kimon C. Thermos, was hiding a running cell phone inside his left-sleeve, beyond pulling out from his inner chest-pocket and holding his suspicious pen. When the mid-aged Chinese woman came down from the actual third floor, the turning "David Klein" had a LIGHTING spot underneath his left sleeve cuff.


This 3rd floor woman had suspiciously frequently kept coming down to INTENTIONALLY CLOSE/LOCK the inner wood door AND KEEP the outer iron gate open, earlier THAT MORNING. She usually does NOT do such though! The CLOSED wood door would inhibit the function of my security camera, and it would be easier for the METICULOUSLY LYING “APS” “Ms. Antoinette Menzies” and “Psychiatrist” “David Klein” to again lie as Limin Wang’s “evasion” or “non-cooperation”.


How METICULOUSLY? Just a few speckles here. Out of her NORM in her previous visits, at 9:14 AM, Jan. 21, 2022, "Ms. Antoinette Menzies" called me from +19292523570, NOT MATCHING ANY NUMBER "MS. Menzies" HAVING EVER GIVEN TO ME ABOUT HERSELF (929) 252-3179 OR HER SUPERVISOR EITHER AS "ADEWALE OGUNLEYE" (929) 252-3964 OR RECENTLY AS "MS. SUTTON" 929-252-3988. I picked up, and luckily, "Ms. Menzies" did not immediately hang it up. She reminded me of the visit appointment set at 10:00 AM that day while suggesting she WAS on the Jan. 13, 2022 "virtual hearing". However, NOBODY identified any woman voice as "Ms. Menzies" on any of the "virtual hearings" about this eviction case. And I could NOT identify the "Ms. Menzies" voice on any "virtual hearings". Technically, it's the apparently "angered" Judge Kimon C. Thermos that on Jan. 13, 2022 pushed for setting up this APPOINTMENT. “Ms. Menzies” said on her 09:14 AM, Jan. 21, 2022 outgoing call that SHE WOULD CALL AGAIN WHEN SHE COMES WITH “DAVID KLEIN” AT 10 AM. However, “Ms. Menzies” did NOT call me at all near their actual arrival at ~10:09 AM. During my call back to "Ms. Menzies" on July 27, 2022, she answered that the # (929) 252-3179 is her work LANDLINE phone number, and (646) 745-5884 is her work CELL phone number, and she refused to provide her WORK email.


"Psychiatrist" "David Klein" popped up onto the January 13, 2022 "virtual hearing" and immediately started to spill VICIOUS LIES as a "professional" right on the "court" about me! He claimed to have attempted twice to visit ME, LIMIN WANG, instead of the Judge's clearly verbally spoken "Adult Protective Services" target of Li Li, my PSYCHIATRIC or "psychotic" wife, since the Oct. 28, 2021, 11:30 AM "virtual hearing" VERBAL-ONLY "decision". "Klein" and "Menzies" were only ONCE captured by my security camera, on Dec. 16, 2021, of their claimed misses, while I needed to prepare my attendance of the "Family Court's" SHAM AND SHAME "virtual hearing" about my almost-18-yr-old daughter Alexandria Wang the American Evil System’s HUMANSCUMS have seduced and abducted and forced into SECRET "psychiatric care" and "foster care"!


"Ms. Antoinette Menzies", the thin black woman, from NYC Human Resources Administration "APS", started to come to this building on November 03, 2021, Wednesday, BUT WITHOUT ANY APPOINTMENT OR PRIOR COMMUNICATION, AT ~14:52 THROUGH THE BUILDING ENTRANCE PRODDED WIDE OPEN BY ME DUE TO MY REPAIRING OF STUFFS ON THE OUTSIDE WALKWAY THAT DAY, AND ODDLY, FIRST TO THE ACTUAL AND OBVIOUS SECOND FLOOR, INSTEAD OF THE CASE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED ADDRESS OF 136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355. My apartment door is supposed to be directly in front of the "STRAIGHT VIEW" of "Ms. Antoinette Menzies". This old townhouse building's structure is QUITE SIMPLE, and my apartment door is supposed to be directly in front of the "STRAIGHT VIEW" of "Ms. Antoinette Menzies". Not only that, the cell phone or whatever of "Ms. Antoinette Menzies" was seemingly calling somebody and loud-speaking some automatic-prompt-like sound about TAIWANESE, while "Ms. Antoinette Menzies" was apparently standing on the actual-2nd-fllor plateau of the stairs and I was coming out of my apartment through the ground floor hallway to the building's front walkway! "Ms. Menzies" somehow came out to the front yard and later talked for somewhat half an hour with me. "Ms. A. Menzies" insisted to go INSIDE my apartment AND to see Li Li. I explained that the inside had some stuffs like the ones I was repairing on the walkway and there was NO seat or space or convenience inside for an outside visitor, and I told Li Li to go to the front yard to talk, and I told "Ms. A. Menzies" that the PSYCHIATRIC Li Li now behaved so SELF-CONTROLLED and QUIET that she refused to come off the bed. Li Li leans or lies on the bed with her outfit clothes on for MOST OF THE DAYTIME ALMOST EVERY DAY SINCE HER RETURN IN 2015 FROM HER TWICE DESERTIONS IN 2014!


What "Ms. Antoinette Menzies" offered me on her Nov. 03, 2021 surprise visit was ONLY A SHEET COMPUTER-PRINTED OF HER "VISIT" ON "11/01/21", NOT "11/03/21"! (image attached)

The FOLDED sheet  APS Antoinette Menzies passed to  LW on her Nov 03 2021 visit to 136-09 59th Ave Flushing NY 11355.jpg

The trashy HRA-stationery-lined printed sheet does NOT write about when could be the next visit after HER INTENTED-TO-MISS VISIT TO CLAIM AS A "NON-COOPERATION" OF LIMIN WANG'S. On July 29, 2022, “Ms. Menzies” claimed she had talked to me about “housing voucher” on her Nov. 03, 2021 visit. I did not have the audio recording about that surprise visit. Possibly she mentioned “voucher”, but also very probably not. She did not go for “housing voucher” with ANY OTHER PAPER OR PAPERWORK. I must have told her I need JUSTICE on the criminals, RECOVERY from the injuries, Compensation on the finance, and other things on other members of this family. Convincingly, on her July 29, 2022 visit, “Ms. Menzies” talked about “housing voucher” ONLY through “Catholic Charities Homebase” with its number (718) 674-1000. Isn’t it a SHAM CONSTITUTION that has stated the separation of government and church? Also, a Catholic church as a “Homebase” in Brooklyn was maliciously involved in Li Li’s 2nd desertion in year 2014, and the so-called “SCO Family of Services” is founded from a church but is viciously involved in the EVIL-FORCED “psychiatric care” and SECRET “foster care”. Prior to the AES HUMANSCUMS’ OPEN HOSTILITY in September 2021, Alexandria Wang had been healthy, normal, active, diligent, aspiring, and academically excellent or very good all the past 17-and-a-half years!!! However, this year, both Bronx High School of Science and “SCO Family of Services” indicate or state that my poor Alexandria Wang has NOT got ANY college offer yet!!! My phone calls to my daughters were NOT answered, and my live broadcasting of such failed phone calls have not brought ANY CHANGE. BOTH OF MY DAUGHTERS ARE HAVING SERIOUS DANGER, EVEN MURDER THREATS, FROM THE AES HUMANSCUMS, BECAUSE MY DAUGHTERS ARE LEGALLY ADULTS NOW AND THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND WHO ARE SAYING AND/OR DOING WHAT TO THEM. From my family’s atrocities, such Churches or Religions are tantamount to EVIL carrying out heinous crimes and ruthless murders while citing words “God” and “Jesus”. Anyway, I called it several times, but “Catholic Church Homebase” only asked about my name and phone number, and told me to WAIT for a social worker to call back. When I asked about “when”, I was only told A LONG LIST OF PHONE CALLS ARE AHEAD OF ME. By Aug. 11, 2022, I still have not got the call-back about “voucher”! But the “Earliest Eviction Date” is stated to be August 16, 2022. Blacks do NOT CARE either; “Catholic” does NOT CARE either.


On the “Civil Court” in front of the “Judge”, humanscum "Psychiatrist" "David Klein" openly made vicious lies during his FIRST presence on the January13, 2022 “virtual hearing” about his TWICE “missed visits” and my “non-cooperation”. And so did landlord old-lady Jyne Shiau! On the December 02, 2021, 12:30 PM "virtual hearing", the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM cut my phone attendance off WHILE Jyne Shiau was spewing SUCH MALICIOUS LIES about me, 911, and police!!! THE AES HUMANSCUMS OBVIOUSLY USE LIARS TO CORROBATE EACH OTHER’S LIES AND CLEANSE EACH OTHER’S CRIMES. While I immediately called to rejoin, the AES further messed my phone with an incoming call from +18383846171 and my phone then mysteriously recorded that ending minutes of talking between Judge Kimon C. Thermos and me as a VOICE MESSAGE!


Did anyone "witness", in the video, the "PROFESSIONAL" "PSYCHIATRIST" HUMANSCUM "David Klein" from the VERY BEGINNING of this first-ever in-person meeting DISTORTED my loud and repetitive shouts to tell the PSYCHIATRIC LI LI, MY "WIFE", to come out of the apartment to see and talk with these two as my "cursing" to "Ms. Antoinette Menzies"? Both “Klein” and “Menzies” claimed “Psychiatric Evaluation” ONLY on me, not Li Li. “Psychiatrist” pretended he had NOT read my email of “No Man’s Land” listing out at least SIXTEEN CATEGORIES OF RENTAL AND CASE ISSUES to the “Court” and the landlord side right before the Jan. 13, 2022 “virtual hearing”, and thus wanted to “hear” from me about the ISSUES! The “Civil Court Housing Part” has kept AVOIDING the RENTAL ISSUES I wanted to bring up or had brought up! "Psychiatrist" at least twice questioned about "why you did not pay the rent" but would not engage about some of rental issues I showed to him right there about the HEATING-SYSTEM OFF on that very cold day due to landlords’ and their actual-2nd-floor accomplices’ EXCLUSIVE control over the heating, more as NOISE, system, so the “APS” two would NOT “HEAR” the SEVERE AND INTENTIONAL NOISE ISSUE FROM THE HEATING SYSTEM. Did they see the lighting issue of the shared hallway and stairs? Think about how his “two separate meters” would equal to his “no electricity stealing” in the “psychiatrist’s” PSYCHIATRY. "Menzies" had claimed on her Dec. 03, 2021 visit that she was the "eye" for the court, judge, and government. What rental issues she had ever relayed or reported to the CORRUPT "Court"? When “David Klein” was questioning about the word “Jew” on my notice put on the apartment door responding to the landlord Shiau side, I should have answered “David Klein” why the Jews could not have a cancerous easy good life in Nazi Germany and why the Jews could not face their OWN EVIL toward other peoples over the globe here and there along the history then and now! “David Klein” would not press on why MANY of the AES HUMANSCUMS torturing, injuring, and murdering me (as well as my whole family) are factually and actually Jews in America. WHAT AN OBESE BAG OF MALICIOUS GARBAGE HE IS! The “psychiatrist” and “neurologist” “Dr. Robert S. April” on behalf of the “INSURANCE” and/or AES side had demonstrated similar altitude and malice toward me on Nov. 08, 2019. “Psychiatric care” turned distressed Li Li into a psychopath! And Psychiatrists are forcing my poor young daughter Alexandria Wang into a psychopath! “Psychiatrists” are part of the AMERICAN SHEER EVIL! So, I hope the whole world to form a COUNTER-TIDE of using “psychiatrists” and “psychiatry” on the GLOBE-WISE HUMANSCUMS, past or current, no matter Whites, Negros, Jews, Latinos, Chinos, or whatever race or ethnic, OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM.


The race of Jews or any other, the color of black or any other, and the belief of Christianity or any other can NOT, does NOT and shall NOT hide up the intrinsic identity or extrinsic exhibition.


Since the VIDEO recording, https://youtu.be/C8suSK12GIU, was suddenly automatically ended about ONE MINUTE earlier than the allover about TWELVE MINUTES meeting and exchanging between the "APS" two and me, I simply converted this 15’27” UNEDITED AUDIO recorded from my another device into a video, for the FULL COVERAGE. The ENDING minutes from the AUDIO basically cover, 1) I realized the video recording unexpectedly ended; 2) I asked the "APS" two to either evaluate Li Li or leave me alone, and "David Klein" immediately instructed "Menzies" and himself to leave; 3) I pulled and screamed to Li Li for her to come outside but Li Li stayed PSYCHIATRICLY QUIET AND OPPOSING; 4) I quickly went outside and found out the "APS" two had LEFT and was already near their dark sedan several house-units away up 59th Ave, and I shouted to them about the RIDICULOUS "APS" ("Menzies" and "Klein" came here to talk about holdover, eviction, not paying rent) and the trash "Menzies" threw again into the garbage bin I use, and I challenged them to show and say on the 01/25/22 "virtual hearing" which NEITHER "Menzies" NOR "Klein" showed up on; 5) Neither “Menzies” nor “Klein” responded to my shout-out about the “APS”. To fit in the15-min limit on YouTube, the YouTube version of this CONVERTED VIDEO is slightly clipped on the ENDING SECONDS of the ORIGINAL AUDIO.


In my shout-out to “Menzies” and “Klein”, I ridiculed the APS’s PROFESSIONAL PREMEDITATED SHAM “APS”, because some HUMANSCUMS in the AES have FABRICATED NAMES NON-EXISTENT IN THIS FAMILY, THIS EVICTION CASE, OR THE GOVERNMENTS’ “RECORD” ABOUT THIS FAMILY: Li Li Wang or LILI WANG. The Housing Court’s Judge Kimon C. Thermo (presiding over the “hearings” from Sept. 24, 2021 to January 25, 2022) clearly said the referral of APS for Li Li, and sometimes mentioned the APS referral PROBABLY for me Limin Wang TOO. On Dec. 31, 2021, Jan. 03, 07, and 15, 2022, I received in total FOUR postal mails with LILI WANG as the computer-printed addressee or Li Li Wang as the hand-written addressee, from either HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION, 109 EAST 16th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10003, or QUEENS APS OFFICE, 165-08 88th AVENUE, 6th FL, JAMAICA, NY 11432 (This KEY image runs into difficulty on the uploading to this website. AES HUMANSCUMS CAN NOT ALLOW THE KEY EVIDENCE OF THEIR REAL EVIL BE WITNESSED. Any one interested tries to see this post from other websites such as Facebook.). Why and how HRA or APS made up such a non-existent name instead of using the CORRECT and LEGAL name Li Li? These trashy employees harbored and cultivated by corrupt governments can do what RIGHT? The PSYCHIATRIC Li Li would NOT OPEN such letters, just like she would NOT OPEN mails addressed to Li Li, no matter from Humanscums about the de facto abducted daughter Alexandria Wang, or from “Civil Court” about the eviction, or from Jurors Office. While the eviction DANGER is imminent, the PSYCHIATRIC Li Li is doing VERY LITTLE in the sorting of belongings and preparation of leaving! Please know, Li Li was NOT behaving such BEFORE HER TWICE DESERTIONS in 2014. It’s the AES HUMANSCUMS that have professionally drugged and brainwashed Li Li into this kind of humanscum, and the AES HUMANSCUMS have tried their best to frame Li Li as a victim of “domestic violence.”


WHY NEITHER "Antoinette Menzies" NOR "David Klein" was present on the January 25, 2022, 12:00 Noon "Virtual Hearing"? During the Jan. 25, 2022, other humanscums with other "names" from "Human Resources Administration" were claiming INELIGIBILITY of Li Li for APS, instead of claiming Li Li as a “NORMAL” adult on the Dec. 02, 2021 “virtual hearing” while “Ms. Menzies” had NOT even seen or talked with Li Li yet, and on the Jan. 13, 2022 “virtual hearing” but Li Li clearly said PSYCHOTIC stuff to “Ms. Menzies” on the Dec. 03, 2021 visit.  Also, the HRA or APS HUMANSCUMS on Jan. 25, 2022 wanted to impose Guardian (Ad Litem) onto me Limin Wang! They played the DECEPTIVE JARGON game with me. THESE AES HUMANSCUMS' REAL INTENTION is certainly to declare MENTAL INSANITY on me, the only member of this family STILL VIGOROUSLY FIGHTING BACK THE HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, and thus to carry out their BLACKBOX "legal proceedings" while further their CRIMES onto my WHOLE family. The so-called “Family Court”, EVILLY ripping my daughter Alexandria Wang, then 17-and-a-half years old into FORCED “psychiatric care” and SECRET “foster care” and prohibiting even phone calls so the parents and children could NOT know who is actually on the communication and what in the text messages or emails is really from whom, also multiply times wanted to impose the DECEPTIVE Guardian (Ad Litem) onto me! The AES HUMANSCUMS HAVE BEEN LONG BRAINWASHING MY DAUGHTERS AND NOW DE FACTO ABDUCT AND JAIL BOTH OF THEM AWAY FROM THE PARENTS WITHOUT EVEN PHONE COMMUNICATION!!! The AES HUMANSCUMS PREMEDITATE AND COORDINATE TO TORTURE AND DESTORY THEIR INTENTED VICTIMS MY WHOLE FAMILY VIA THEIR "RULE OF LAW" AND "RECORD" LIKE SUCH!


On March 17, 2022, I, Limin Wang, received a postal mail from APS QUEENS, 165-08 88 AVENUE 6th FLOOR, JAMAICA, NY 11432 to LIMIN WANG, 136-09 59th AVENUE GROUND FLOOR REAR APT, FLUSHING, NY 11355, and the inside two “material” sheets claim “Ineligible for protective services” on me Limin Wang, because “You have sufficient mental and physical capacity.” (images attached)

March 17 2022 received mail from APS Queens to LW about Ineligible.jpg

The first content page of three in the March 17 2022  mail from APS Queens to LW.jpg

The second content page of three in the March 17 2022 mail from APS Queens to LW.jpg

The third content page of three in the March 17 2022  mail from APS Queens to LW.jpg

How “Ms. Menzies” here got the EXACT SAME address and floor and way of writing as the EVICTION CASE did? How and why she came to this building and went to the obvious 2nd floor on Nov. 03, 2021? On Aug. 05, 2022, I text-messaged “Ms. Antoinette Menzies” at +16467455884, “If the American Evil System’s Humanscums have not murdered their victims to death yet, there would not be any real justice to the AES HUMANSCUMS and no real diagnoses and treatments but actual further professional murdering to the AES’s victims.” “Ms. Menzies” did not reply, and did not leave any voice message after she called me from her (646) 745-5884 job cell phone # at 5:19 PM that afternoon. When I called back at 5:42 PM and 5:43 PM, the call can not be placed through. “Ms. Menzies” probably was in the driving again and so did not even turn on her job cell phone.


On Aug. 11, 2022, I received two postal mails from APS Queens about my 07/22/22 SELF-REFERRAL for “APS” with the DECISIONS of “ineligible”, and the address is even METICULOUSLY changed from “GROUND FLOOR REAR APT” to “GROUND FLOOR REAR” of the same font size, but the FRAUDULENT “APS” put up both Referral ID’s as 224029, instead of 138938, the Referred Person ID of Limin Wang. (images attached

Aug 11 2022 Received two mails from APS Queens to LW about Ineligible.jpg

Single sheet of ineligible in one of the two mails Received Aug 11 2022 from APS Queens to LW about Ineligible.jpg

“Ms. Menzies” claimed on her July 27, 2022 to-be-missed visit as a “self referred” though. Also, the “Assigned Supervisor” is printed as again “ADEWALE OGUNLEYE”, instead of “Ms. Sutton” as the sheet “Ms. Menzies” came here to immediately hand-write on and dropped into my mailbox on July 27, 2022. So, it’s kind of “American Freedom” for this kind of “Democratic Government” employees to spell whatever kind they like.


Thus, this long post not only covers the visit of “Ms. Antoinette Menzies” and “Psychiatrist David Klein” on Jan. 21, 2022, but also mentions the visits of “Ms. Menzies” on Nov. 03, and Dec. 03, 2021, and July 27 & 29, 2022. I would soon write a separate post about her Dec. 03, 2021 visit, because the AUDIO reveals what “APS” the “APS” was attempting to provide: to inject fear of marshalls/sheriffs and eviction, to deny the rental issues, to neglect my injuries, and to seduce the PSYCHIATRIC Li Li to FEAR and to claim “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” or even more “EXOTIC OR PERVERT STUFF” HEARDIBLE ALMOST ONLY IN THE U.S.A.


  THAT KEY IMAGE shown here - 王利民 08/12/22 (227)
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