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Remember this cowboy president
送交者: renqiulan 2024年02月22日16:10:31 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

There's no good choice between Biden and Trump. That's why I keep thinking of Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), a cowboy president more often misunderstood than understood.

No-nonsense Reagan had the following three targets in his sights:

Target# 1: The Vietnam War Ghost

The cowboy president played a ghostbuster with a muscular helping hand from Rambo. Balancing the Vietnam disaster with American heroism, he had won a majority vote twice with "Morning in America" as his forward-looking theme.

Target# 2:  The Stagflation Monster

A small-government advocate, Reagan did not actually down-size the government while unapologetically ballooning his national defense budgets. To his credit though, he lowered capital tax rates, thus making life much easier for entrepreneurs. In return, hi-tech took off. Soon enough, the dawn of Internet was on the horizon.  The world witnessed a gung-ho America in a boom.

Target# 3:  "The Evil Empire"

When asked about how America should relate to the Soviet Union in the Cold War, Reagan said, "We win and they lose." This was the Reagan Doctrine practiced throughout his two-term presidency (1981-1989). Defying the common perception that Mikhail S. Gorbachev could and would turn the communist superpower around, Reagan remained firm and steady in proving otherwise. In 1991 "the evil empire" was no more.

America being America, it won't run short of Reaganite cowboys or girls. Their time will come.

Author: renqiulan


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