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送交者: 胡骑来 2017年03月20日13:41:47 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话


Abraham-Ada's Method /*********************************************************/ Hi, folks. Do you know how to vote when you DON'T like either candidates, Richard and Thomas? Yes, you are right. Pick Richard when you don't like either because 'R' < 'T'. If we don't go to vote, they will believe that we are vanished. If we pick one randomly, they will believe that we will cancel each other and our opinion is mere a noise. We, the people who don't like either candidates, should agree the voting strategy that all of us will pick the bad bird according to the given name in alphabetical order from A to Z. The idea is to tell them "Give us at least one candidate we like or whose name is Abraham". If the USA still have 10 votes remain and we insist this voting strategy, I guarantee that we will have a president we like before the USA die out. I don't know if my English skill is good enough to explain this great idea clearly. But I believe you can understand it because you are electrical engineers. If you think this great idea will help the USA, please share it with your family, your friends, your enemies and anyone you know. Have fun. /*********************************************************/ /*the Abraham-Ada's Method expressed in C style pseudocode*/ /*01*/ /* code_001*/ /*02*/ char* vote((char*) candidate[]) /*03*/ { /*04*/ if (there_is_a_candidate_i_like == TRUE) /*05*/ return candidate[i_like]; /*06*/ else /*07*/ { /*08*/ sort_by_name(candidate); /*09*/ return candidate[0]; /*10*/ } /*11*/ } /*********************************************************/ /* The code_001 still has a problem. If they set up a dummy or so call 'third party' whose name is Abraham to absorb our arrows and to defend the Richard and Thomas, our votes will have no effect because according to code_001 we will pick this dummy. And we are still vanished just as we do not go to vote. Hence I give the code_002 as a revise. I think if they want to sale Richard and Thomas to us, Richard and Thomas will become the two most well-known candidates. */ /*01*/ /* code_002 */ /*02*/ char* vote((char*) candidate[]) /*03*/ { /*04*/ (char*) most_well_known_candidate[2]; /*05*/ /*06*/ if (there_is_a_candidate_i_like == TRUE) /*07*/ return candidate[i_like]; /*08*/ else /*09*/ { /*10*/ most_well_known_candidate[0] = /*11*/ the_1st_most_well_known(candidate); /*12*/ most_well_known_candidate[1] = /*13*/ the_2nd_most_well_known(candidate); /*14*/ /*15*/ sort_by_name(most_well_known_candidate); /*16*/ return most_well_known_candidate[0]; /*17*/ } /*18*/ } /*********************************************************/ Example: Suppose there are 10,000 voters. 60% or 6000 do not like Richard or Thomas. And in the remaining 40% or 4000, 55% like Thomas, 45% like Richard. (1) If this 6000 does not go to vote, then Thomas gets 4000*55%=2200, Richard gets 4000*45%=1800, Thomas wins. (2) If 15% of this 6000, that is 900, goes to vote. But they pick one randomly. Usually according to the normal distribution law, Richard or Thomas will get approximately same points. Let's assume Richard gets 467 and Thomas gets 433. Then Richard, 1800+467=2267, Thomas, 2200+433=2633. Thomas wins. Even 6000 is a large number, but they will not affect the result because they cancel each other. They do not matter. (3) If 15% of this 6000, that is 900, goes to vote. They all pick Richard according to code_002 when they do not like either. Then Richard gets 1800+900=2700, and Thomas still gets 2200, Richard wins and Thomas loses. After the boss of the election game in the background knows the code_002, next time he/she will give you a bird you like or a bird whose name is Abraham and no one want to be the second bird whose losing can be predicted. And this election game can not fool people again. We just push the boat according to the flow. That is the point. YES, WE HAVE BEEN FOOLED FOR MORE THAN 200 YEARS. /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/

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