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送交者: 老乐谱 2020年10月26日06:34:23 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
Real, or not real? By what they are doing, hacking, walling UN... and me, you can figure it out. And by... UNUN Human RightsUN Human Rights Council Amnesty InternationalInternational Bar AssociationInternational Criminal CourtCanadian GovernmentI have provided you all the evidence about how they are attacking and remotely controlling my heart rate. UN Human Rights swear to collect evidence worldwide by sr-torture@ohchr.orgNow, I provide you all how they are attacking and remotely controlling my hearing. For 10 years, I have no problem at all listening to the radio even with ear plugs on when I drive no matter how terrible ambient noise is. Please listen to these 2 pieces of recordings from my car's radio. http://www.filedropper.com/20201020231458http://www.filedropper.com/20201020140756However, in my home and in my work place, my hearing is just like switch, on, off ; can hear, can't hear ;I can hear far away, but I can't hear someone beside me. Real, or not real? By what they are doing, hacking, walling UN... and me, you can figure it out. And by... "Recently, Prime Minister of Canada stated on behalf of Canadian government : 'We will stand up loudly and clearly for human rights around the world...' "https://files.fm/u/9djuhn6k www.filedropper.com has been hacked because I upload evidence for you by it. Now my cellphone has been totally hacked. My home internet has been hacked and bridged. What else? You can imagine. Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means, I am not alone and I need your help.I am not a lawyer, and English is my second language. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 23/10/2020Please forward this to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Officeby fax and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.
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