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RIGHT the new stimulus bill
送交者: 王利民 2020年12月03日19:41:56 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

I strongly appeal for the stimulus bill to help INDIVIDUALS and the Nation
by Limin Wang
Dec. 03, 2020

The circling news says the newly proposed stimulus checks will only go as the PERIODIC unemployment benefits to SOME receivers, not directly to most INDIVIDUALS as the kind of ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME single check. If that happens, it is so UNREASONABLY UNFAIR. The whole stimulus stuff is footed on the bogus pandemic of COVID-19, and it is the some states that have made so many businesses closed and so many employees lose without paychecks, meanwhile such government workers can enjoy an easy life of working from home without any interruption of big money flowing in, and some businesses such as medical fields get filthier richer under such imposed policies. 

Personally for me and my small family, I have got murder-attempted first from the workplace and then from the "treating" clinics. My wife had developed some mild psychological problems from her work, but was induced and forced to run away from home by the EVIL SYSTEM who disguises as governmental saviors and medical professionals to her and returned her to me months later as a DESTRUCTIVE PSYCHOTIC person who can never attempt to find any work or to earn any money for so many consecutive years. I have been intentionally neglected by the New York State system with only $150/week as Workers' Compensation since Feb. 01, 2019 to Oct. 15, 2020, and now zero, all DUE TO THE RAMPANT CORRUPT AND EVIL SYSTEM OF POWERS. The federal government gives out only $860/month as my SSD benefits. I live in New York City by renting a legally-termed "basement", with a government-made psychotic "wife", and still-too-young children. I believe the government money should be served with the RIGHT way, to help the really needed while not to encourage CORRUPT governments and CANCEROUS classes. 

If the new stimulus bill wants to directly help individuals and families, I would urge the Congress to non-discriminatorily help the individuals WITHOUT (sufficient) income, as well as to encourage the businesses to stay open and workable people to work with some bonuses.

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