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If This Were a Trump Poll
送交者: 王利民 2020年12月15日17:50:25 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

If there were this poll by President Trump

by Limin Wang

Dec. 15, 2020, Tuesday

1. Should the Trump Campaign continue the discovery, exposure, and pursuit of the 2020 presidential election? 

YES, because it is more about integrity of the system than about your presidency. A tradition can not by itself prevent an innovation. You make history, with success on this or not.

2. Should President Trump campaign heavily for the two Republican candidates in the Jan. 05, 2021 GA runoff for the two Senate seats?

YES, because it's a significantly related matter.

3. Should the Trump Administration change its strategy on COVID-19 situation?

NO, because the COVID-19 pandemic is truly a hoax, if anyone dares to see the COVID-19 infection line and the "COVID-19" mortality line over the almost a year.

4. Should the Trump Administration push for another direct stimulus check to American families and individuals?

YES, you call angry Bernie and others to your side, and say together that the government stimulus can not let the governments and businesses block and suck almost all the free blood.

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