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Trump's Video Message
送交者: 王利民 2021年01月07日18:49:33 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Interpreting POTUS Trump's Video Message

by Limin Wang

January 07, 2021

POTUS has just made a video announcement. 


The beginning part in his speech sounds pretty much a denouncement forced by his political enemies. President Donald J. Trump subtly explained why his supporters were forced into the march toward and into the U.S. Capitol. The ending sentence of the beginning is clear. If I interpret President Trump right, he personally would not participate in the January 20, 2021 inauguration of the next President. From now to Jan. 20, President Trump should actively do something --- his administration should openly and publicly investigate what exactly has happened in Capitol. The demonstrators persecuted by the political enemies should be pardoned, and the martyrs died must be identified and explained and recognized one way or another. Any future Pro-Trump demonstration requesting a President Trump's Address should be ardently answered. The Long March begins. It's not just about Donald J. Trump himself, it's more about what Donald J. Trump stands for for the PEOPLE. A leader needs a mass, and a mass needs a leader.

  I think pardoning Snowden, A - 王利民 01/07/21 (201)
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