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Some Thoughts from a Trump-Sup
送交者: 王利民 2021年01月12日10:07:33 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Some Thoughts From A Trump-Supporter

by Limin Wang

January 12, 2021

POTUS Trump is on his way to the forget-me-not famous Alamo, Texas for a visit, including to the border wall. We the Trump-Pence team supporters would expect President Trump to make an Alamo Address today. I would like to input some raw material thoughts here. 

America has been an immigration country, but the immigration system is a corrupt & broken system, and TENS OF MILLIONS without a permanent legal status often have a very difficult (if the word "enslaved" to be euphonized) individual, and familial if having a family, life, and a lot of corruption and fraud go by the "LEGAL" way under the "LEGAL" name. A border wall is a good-will effort to many parties, including to the ones crossing the border illegally wishing for a better life in a country which can overwhelmingly suspend a President's online accounts of SPEECH. The U.S.A. People's House, aka Congress, so far likes to serve people with lips and suppress people with bats. Congress didn't even want to allow the USA citizens into the Capitol to hear PEOPLE'S VOICE about the election fraud. Where was the "LEGAL" way for the USA citizens to get a serious issue addressed PEACEFULLY? It's written somewhere, in the thin air! The Constitution has been treated by some powers that way, so many things have become only a SHAM and SHAME and CRIME proceeding. The certification of the Electoral College votes went that way; The Bill of Rights including some of the basic human rights such as freedom of speech and having and bearing arms has been practically violated that way. The magnificent Capitol's WALLS were built not well enough against scaling, which many of the Democrats and some of the Republicans who harshly criticized a BORDER WALL now know. I would recommend the U.S.A. Capitol make a WALL for the Congress scaling-unbreachable and SOUND-PROOF. Look at the Border Wall, any Representative or Senator wants to try to scale over to your neighbor's territory? For the SOUND-PROOF feature of the Congress WALL, Trump's adversaries should consult some big Techs in the U.S.A.

Some Congress dudes and girls, have you caught a COVID-21? Better Aye than Nay, isn't it?

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