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Where is the Constitutionality
送交者: 王利民 2021年02月09日15:03:04 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

How Is The 2nd Senate Trial on President Donald John Trump Constitutional?

by Limin Wang

Feb. 09, 2021, Tuesday

If the "Managers" and their alike argue the "Incitement of Insurrection" (ie, IOI) was done on January 6, 2021 while President Donald John Trump was still President Of The United States, and then if the House's hastened "Impeachment" was sound, and then if they have considered it was NOT a REALLY URGENT matter while POTUS TRUMP was still the PRESUMABLY POWERFUL POTUS, and then if they could wait after the Jan. 20, 2021 to deliver the "Impeachment" article to the Senate, and then if they could still wait after the Confirmation Hearings until February 09, 2021, and then if they could install another anti-Trump SENATOR Patrick Joseph Leahy as the President pro tempore of the United States Senate for this President Impeachment Trial, WHERE HAS SHOWN THE URGENCY, SEVERITY, AND CONSTITUTIONALITY OF SUCH A TRIAL? It's so phony! THEIR ONLY FEAR IS DONALD JOHN TRUMP IS GOING TO BE THE POTUS AGAIN. Their trial carries nothing about THE PEOPLE, nothing about the CONSTITUTION, nothing about the NATION, but everything about the POLITICAL FIGHT. I will in a day or two further reveal WHAT A REAL AMERICAN SYSTEM OF POWER TALKS AND ACTS LIKE. IT IS A SYSTEM OF SHEER EVIL, and THE PEOPLE domestic and abroad DEMAND A REAL TRUTH AND JUSTICE SYSTEM. Keep my naturally born right of expression unharmed, please.

  President Trump. if you can co - 王利民 02/09/21 (218)
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