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What Had Happened When I The V
送交者: 王利民 2021年06月08日15:08:08 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

What Had Happened When I The Victim Needed Police for Help?

by Limin Wang

June 08, 2021, Tuesday; temporarily updated on June 15 & 16, 2021

Moment ago of today June 08, 2021, I was calling NYC Precinct 109 at (718) 321-2250 for a police report about the April 04, 2021, Sunday incident of my landlord Mr. Maurice Shiau burning my left foot.  The lady police on the phone asked for my information and the incident, but she told me there has been NO police report. I called 911 about the incident on April 05, 2021, Monday, and a lady police, a gentleman police, and a gentleman EMS came to the building front that day. The three were hearing my description of the incident and seeing my BIG blister on my left foot. The lady police said to write me a police report about it, and reminded me that the report may take a couple of days so I shall call before going to Precinct 109 for it.

On April 04, 2021, Sunday, the day before my calling of 911, my landlord Mr. Maurice Shiau came over and we talked about many issues of this rental residence, including his "another" burner keeping generating various modes of haunting noises, instead of heating, through the heating pipes. At a moment, Mr. Maurice Shiau suddenly left my apartment toward the burner room, and I unsuspectingly followed him there. Since I had never thought the old Taiwanese-American man would do such a meticulous assault on me, Mr. Maurice Shiau INTENTIONALLY BUT ACTING MISHAPINGLY burned my left foot by holding the woven metal hose from the heating burner and watering the hot, rusty water onto my left foot for seconds. He had been moving around the heating burner and me and then going body-stooped, while I was standing, talking about the no-heating but noise "service" to my rental space, without vigilance on his every move. The more detailed description had been put online by me that day and the immediate following days.

Now, Precinct 109 told me to either go there re-report the burning-by-landlord incident or call tomorrow again to see any difference on the police report system. About various OTHER matters, I had been at Precinct 109 several times before, and had been calling 911 multiple times before, I have NOT got the expected HELP from the American DOMESTIC ARMED Forces --- Police. For example, my wife's desertation or missing twice in year 2014; the banging on my this rental residence door in years 2016 and 2017 by the second-floor Taiwanese-American renters (one time such intruders claimed to be police outside of my apartment door); my reporting of the serious injuries I sustained from slavery workplace and then murderous "medical clinics" at the entrance steps of Precinct 109 on August 31, 2020... 

I would go blog-style news-reporting frequently and daily, because THE SYSTEM HAS NOT DELIVERED THE JUSTICE OR COMPENSATION. Instead, I have sustained more and more pain and sufferings, including the eviction from the landlord. 

Temporarily updated on June 15, 2021, Tuesday

Last Tuesday, i.e. June 08, 2021, the female police voice told me to call "tomorrow". I called (718) 321 -2250 again on June 11, and the operator, male police, voice told me that I need to bring my ID to Precinct 109 to get a report number and then to go Manhattan One Police Plaza to get the police report. Today, I just called multiple times, the choice "1" for "report number" led to one ring and then a recorded male voice message was played, "Thank you for calling the New York Police Department. The party you are trying to reach is not available at this time. Please call again at a later time. Good bye." And the choice "0" for an operator led to long rings only.

It has not been an easy thing for me to walk to Precinct 109. One reason is the serious injuries, particularly on my Central Nervous System, I have sustained from the perpetrators' attempted-murders at workplace and then medical providers. Another reason is the psychological trauma and serious danger from the past 911 events and visits to Precinct 109.

Temporarily updated on June 16, 2021, Wednesday

I called twice again today. The same kind of non-responsiveness from choice "1" for "report number" or choice "0" for an operator. 
BTW, my phone communication suffers more restrictions or surveillance. For example, when I place a call out, the phone seems to dial silently for tens of seconds, and then the screen may show "normal call restricted by access control", or the phone immediately shows "cellular network not available."

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