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Wait For My Child's FREEDOM
送交者: 王利民 2021年09月30日20:47:45 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Wait For My Child's FREEDOM From South Oaks Hospital
Limin Wang
Sept 30, 2021, Thu

Without any consent from any member, including Alexandria Wang herself, from this family, my 17-yr-old child Alexandria was forced onto a stretch and transferred by an ambulance from Long Island Jewish Medical Center (270-05 76th Ave, New Hyde Park, NY 11040) to South Oaks Hospital (400 Sunrise Hwy, Amityville, NY 11701) on September 28, 2021, Wednesday, WITHOUT a parent or a family member on board with Alexandria!!!!! IT'S SAID TWO HUMANSCUMS AS "MEDICAL DOCTORS" PRESCRIBED "INVOLUNTARY TREATMENT" (ACTUAL KIDNAPPING AND FALSE IMPRISONMENT) AND TRANSFERRED MY CHILD SO FAR AWAY FROM HOME!!!!!! THESE HUMANSCUMS ARE METICULOUSLY MERCELESSLY MALICIOUS! THEIR M.D. STANDS FOR "MALICIOUS DOCTOR". MY CHILD DID NOT AND DOES NOT WANT TO HURT HERSELF, LEAVING ALONE COMMITTING SUICIDE, AND DOES NOT WANT TO HURT OTHERS. THESE MALICOUS MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS STILL "JAIL" MY POOR CHILD!!!

My child Alexandria Wang yesterday (Sept 29, 2021, Thu) said on her call from the South Oaks Hospital that the humanscums at SOH would let her go home today without the parent signing any of the asshole documents. But today (Sept. 30, 2021), these humanscums absolutely did not let Alexandria free. Instead, these humanscums kept contacting me and trying to force me to go over to South Oaks Hospital and sign whatever these humanscums demand and pick up my 17 and half years old child from them. I absolutely said NO to sign documents or pick up Alexandria from there. I demand repetitively that my child be FREED from their de facto shameless jail in the early morning tomorrow at daytime. Then, a mid-aged white woman self-reported as Alexandria's social worker and named "Rina" claimed that I the father needs to have a phone meeting with Alexandria and her together. But she then claimed that an appointment is needed to make by ANOTHER PERSON over at SOH. Alexandria on a later phone call told me that Rina is the person who APPEARS nice to her and who is supposed to MAKE the appointment.

I will first try to call (631) 264-4000 early tomorrow, Oct. 01, 2021, and will let the recordings go off tomorrow when necessary, because I am quite certain these humanscums think they can taunt, torture, harm, injure, or even murder people whenever however wherever they like to!!!!!! These kinds of humanscums must be cleaned off the so-called health service system, because they are EVIL!!!!! ALL HEROS AROUND THE GLOBE, FIGHT YOUR WAY AGAINST THESE KINDS OF AMERICAN HUMANSCUMS WHO APPEAR AND SELF-CLAIM TO BE NICE TO PEOPLE, BUT IN REALITY SO ARROGANT, SO VICIOUS, SO TREACHEROUS, SO EVIL!!!!! THEY NOT ONLY TRAMPLE PEOPLE'S LIVING BUT ALSO TAKE PEOPLE'S LIVES. WHY PEOPLE CAN NOT FIGHT AGAINST SUCH HUMANSCUMS? NEVER FORGET HOW EVIL AMERICAN HUMANSCUMS LIKE THESE ARE. NEVER EVER, PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD.

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