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Why NYC Police Keep Coming to
送交者: 王利民 2021年11月12日13:33:04 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Why NYC Police Keep Coming to My Rental Residence?
Nov. 12, 2021
by Limin Wang

Since my younger child Alexandria Wang has been mind-molested by outside humanscums from this EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM to have deserted this already-way-broken family on the night of Sept. 24-25, 2021, NYC Police in uniform keep coming to my rental residence. Often, they came at NIGHT time, and it's relatively LATE night time like 10 pm. Sometimes, they left a 3"x5" index card printed on one side as NEW YORK CITY SHERIFF'S OFFICE QUEENS COUNTY with contact info of 30-10 Starr Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101, Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30dpm, Monday - Friday, (718) 707-2170/2171. The logo of SHERIFF CITY OF NEW YORK is on its upper left corner. On its bottom left corner, it prints, "Please contact this office immediately regarding an important matter concerning you. Then followed were three lines for fill-in: RE:; DEPUTY SHERIFF; and CASE:. These index cards were only handwritten on the RE: with my name Limin Wang and/or the wife's name Li Li, and CASE: with either 21032475, or 21033800/21033799. When a white man police officer in white police uniform came together with a black man policeman in dark police uniform and broke through the locked iron gate to reach my apartment door at ~10 pm on Oct. 26, 2021, I was afraid to open the door for them. I would later release some videos of when police and two blacks of the so-called Administration of Children Service to escort my 17-and-a-half-years-old child Alexandria Wang to get her personal items to desert this family, the police were ONCE AGAIN obviously aggressive or murder-attemptive! Although the duel of white and black threatened to break down the apartment door or to come back with a court warrant to arrest me, they honored my word and left two copies of printouts near the apartment door and then left. Moment before their exit, the black policeman moved up to the stairs to the side of the apartment door while the white officer was expecting me to open the apartment door. The print-outs were the same, just from the so called "Family" Court about the next hearing on November 16, 2021. THE BULLSHIT ALLEGATIONS within had been brought over on the night of October 05, 2021, when my child Alexandria Wang came as if an enemy of her parents'. As I had posted the recorded Oct. 05, 2021 "hearing" of the "Family" Court, I will soon post the pictures of their BULLSHIT allegations. The humanscums from this EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM would only PRETEND to REPRESENT MY CHILD Alexandria Wang to act against me while THEY LIED and then PREVENTED my child Alexandria Wang to show up and express and answer on the so-called "Court". What's more, while Alexandria Wang was JAILED first into Long Island Jewish Medical Center and then into South Oaks Hospital between Sept. 25 to Oct. 05, 2021, these humanscums from the American Evil System had PREVENTED my child Alexandria Wang from using her cell phone or charging her cell phone or using her laptop she brought along for her originally planned desertion. On Oct. 07, 2021, Alexandria Wang texted me about some problem with her laptop computer battery. When I asked what's the exact problem, the reply then claimed the computer battery was OK. Since Oct. 05, 2021, the shameless "Family" Court decision has declared that the parents should NOT even communicate with the child Alexandria Wang, otherwise the humanscums would arrest the parents. 

Knowledgeable adults, you know what kind of "care" these humanscums from this EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM is being provided to my child Alexandria Wang? These humanscums have taken Alexandria Wang as a PSYCHIATRIC PATIENT; and have TOTALLY CONTROLLED Alexandria Wang; and have PREVENTED her parents from knowing anything what's been going on with her while away from this family. 

What the humanscums have done to me the father and Li Li the mother? The humanscums have multiple-times attempted murder on me at the slavery warehouse while I was enslaved by my former employer B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc (109-35 178th St. Jamaica, NY 11433). They further carried out PROFESSIONAL murder-attempts by the MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS while I was bogusly "diagnosed" and "treated". The NYS Workers' Compensation Board is totally a participant of premediated and coordinated state terrorism. Check out what I had already revealed online about some of these humanscums. More to come soon online. If somebodies or some agencies or countries have the power, check the "documents" on the NYS WCB case # G2029240. My wife Li Li could NEVER hold onto any job well and had developed psychiatric issues since probably around year 2012. Year 2012 is the time I go online for posts with my real name, and sometimes about BIG ISSUES of politics. Then the humanscums, including her biological elder-sister Chun-Ling Li who had been helped smuggled to the USA by Li Li without my prior knowledge at all and with a bunch of bullshit "materials" and who had been quickly naturalized as a USA citizen, told me lies and brought her and kept her away. Li Li deserted this family TWICE in year 2014, and the humanscums NYC Police claimed they COULD NOT FIND LI LI. I was doing hard-labor slavery work while Li Li was seduced and coerced by humanscums to desert me and the two then-still-very-young children!!!!!! The NYC police were interrogating me as a MURDER-SUSPECT while they were pretending that LI Li had been dead!!! The Precinct 109 police were escorting me home LATE at night on a route AWAY, NOT TOWARD, my home, and the police were vaguely talking about somebody was badly beaten or shot on their car. I WAS THE ONE THAT REPORTED LI LI's missing while I tried to look for Li Li at ChunLing Li's place! 

More to write and edit. I had added a long paragraph, but the laptop then went on with something and the addendum's GONE!

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