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What's I Thank For on Thanksgi
送交者: 王利民 2021年11月25日20:02:59 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

What's I Thank For on Nov. 25, 2021?
by Limin Wang
Nov. 25, 2021

On the ridicule-footed Thanksgiving Day, I need to thank for these and those
people, organizations, and countries who have been fighting against the
AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM. I am one of the fighters, so I thank myself too.

The American Evil System's specific humanscums known by or unknown to me
have attempted murders, besides torts and tortures, to me and my family
members, at slavery "work"places, at residence locations, and even at public
space. The AES has also used the Medical System to professionally carry out
professional assaults and murder-attempts, under its shroud of "medical
service". The INFAMOUS AMERICAN LEGAL SYSTEM then either bluntly denies or
shamelessly twists or viciously fabricates things to only deny the REAL
JUSTICE. Furthermore, The AES has used my family members such as my "wife"
Li Li who has entered into the spousal relationship not via love at all from
the very beginning, and my YOUNG children, to say and do things against me,
while they themselves have also got the direct torts, tortures, harms, or
even murder-attempts directly from the AES. The AES has again and again used
their state-terrorism institutions such as police to directly and openly
threaten their attempts of murder on me. On the morning of Nov. 25, 2021, a
so-called Thanksgiving Day, I found two open packs of "legal documents"
about the "child neglect" case this AES has manipulated my 17-and-a-half-yrs
-young child Alexandria Wang to ALLEGEDLY throw onto the parents and to
actually target me the fighter. Such packs must be delivered by humanscums
during the time span from early last night to early this morning. These AES
humanscums can not even allow the cruelly tortured victims to have any
moment of good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am still contributing my efforts to the common fight against the American
Evil System. One way is to input some thoughts publicly to challenge those
cowardous murderers within the American Evil System. Russian and China both
now have enough understanding of the American System, supposedly, and appear
to be determined to fighting back. If you do, I would suggest that YOUR
ACTIVE DEFENSE. The lands are close enough. No military expert has said the
American Homeland or military posts at foreign countries can not be attacked
for the overthrow of the American Evil System. When the AES is destroyed, I
truly believe, many many many oppressed people around the globe, including
within the U.S.A., will feel FREE, FREE AT LAST.

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