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Japanese style sofa and Chinese style sofa
送交者: Aabby 2021年12月28日17:50:30 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

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Japanese style sofa and Chinese style sofa

For example, if the overall style of the living room presents bright and warm colors, it can be matched with a white or other light-colored minimalist sofa in a light luxury style to make the entire living room look simple and bright.
Chinese style: The Chinese style sofa is mainly outlined with simple lines, and the shape is simple, reflecting the sentiment of Chinese culture.
The new Chinese sofa is more suitable for modern and simple Chinese classical home decoration design. The color of the sofa can be selected according to the color matching of the overall space, such as the wall, the floor, and the ceiling. Anyway you could buy cheap furniture uk.

The layout of the sofa

Suitable for small and medium-sized apartment layouts
The linear or L-shaped layout is a relatively common layout, which is basically suitable for all sofa styles.
This layout is very suitable for families who have just bought a house. It does not take up much space, but it is also sufficient. When you lie on such a sofa after get off work, you can also drink tea and watch TV.

Small apartment (<60m)

And try not to choose a sofa with a high backrest, which will make the space look more crowded. It is more suitable for young people who rent a house. Such a sofa will save space and can satisfy all kinds of leisure for you.

Medium-sized apartment (60m—90m)

Suitable for large-sized layout

With the increase in the number of sofas, try to lower the height of the backrest of the sofa to make the space more spacious. In this kind of layout mode activities, basically talk and meeting are the mainstay, so choose a standard sofa.

Large apartment (>100m)

Suitable for small living room layout

The oblique angle layout generally appears when the living room area is not large, in order to make the entire interior appear relatively spacious.

Sofa size

The sofa on the market is divided into: single, double, three-person, four-person and combination sofa. The size of the sofa is generally expressed in terms of depth, width and height, only the length has a large difference.
  1. Single type.

2. Double type.
3. Three-person type
4. Four-person type.
Of course, different brands of sofas, the size will also have some deviations. So when buying a sofa should be more according to the size of the space, carefully measure the size to choose a sofa.

In addition to the sofa, you also need to pay attention to the size of the bed and table

Two double sofas (size 160 * 90 * 80 high cm) and coffee table (size 100 * 60 * 45 high cm) should be separated by 30 cm. Since you can buy a cheap sofa, you can also buy cheap beds.
85 to 90 cm.
8. If the living room is located in the center of the room and you want to leave a walkway space behind, how wide should this walkway be?
The space in the aisle should allow two adults to walk head-on without colliding, usually leaving a width of 60 cm for each person.
10 cm.
In the dining room
120 cm.
140*70 cm.
2. How far should the dining table be from the wall?
This distance is the minimum distance that includes pulling out the chairs, as well as making it easy for the people who are dining to move around.
180*180 cm2
4. What should be the standard height of the table?
This is the medium height of the table, while the chair is usually 45 cm in height.
300*300 cm.
6. What should be the most suitable distance between the chandelier and the table?
This is the ideal distance to give the tabletop a complete and even illumination.
1 What is the most standard size of a double master bedroom?
The bedroom for a couple cannot be smaller than this in. In addition to the bed, a double-door closet (120*60 cm) and two bedside tables can be placed in the room. In a 3 * 4.5 m room can be put a little larger closet; or choose a smaller double bed, and then choose one of the drawers and writing desk between. Then you can choose a closet with a dressing room in the place where you put the closet.
3 How far should the distance between two beds placed side by side?
Between the two beds in addition to being able to put down two nightstands, but also should be able to allow two people to walk freely. Of course the outside of the bed is no exception, so that it is easy to clean the floor and make up the bedding.
90 cm
5 How high should the closet be?
This size takes into account the ability to put longer clothes in the closet (160 cm), and leaves space for seasonal clothes in the upper part (80 cm).

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