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How to build a new style living room sofa to look good?
送交者: Aabby 2021年12月28日17:54:18 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话


With new style furniture, sofa is the soul

In recent years, the new-style decoration is very popular. Among the customers received by Yaomei in Huaihua, many customers have chosen the new style. Yaomei, as a designer in Huaihua, certainly does not recommend that you only choose this decoration style. There are many decoration styles, Yaomei always recommends the style of their choice when receiving customers.

Besides, the new style of decoration benefits from the modern and generous space pattern and the elegant and dignified temperament of Chinese style. Today, Yaomei shares with you some new styles of living room sofas. I hope that these elegant and dignified collocations can make your living room look full of gorgeous and exquisite ritual.

One of the features of the New Style sofa is its low price. My friend tends to buy cheap sofas, so the New Style sofa suits him well.In terms of materials, the new-style living room can be matched with the following types of sofas:

1. Solid wood sofa

When it comes to new styles, many people naturally think of sofas made of solid wood. Of course, in terms of new styles, solid wood furniture is undoubtedly the best partner. However, the solid wood sofa is suitable for a large enough area in the living room, combined with some designs of modern home furnishings, can make the entire living room full of air, which is very dignified and has a lot of heritage.

2. Fabric sofa

When it comes to fabric sofas, many people may think that fabric sofas are more suitable for modern minimalist style or Nordic style, but it is not always true. Fabric sofa is actually a kind of more versatile sofa. Although decoration is a subject of knowledge, the boundaries of art are very broad. Sometimes, an unexpected match can give people a different feeling. Just like in a new-style living room, placing a fabric sofa can create a very warm and comfortable effect.

Moreover, the reason why the new style is called the new style is the design of the Chinese style, plus some elements of modern fashion.

Three, leather sofa

The new-style living room and the leather sofa are two unrelated elements at first glance. If they are randomly matched, they may appear very abrupt. However, if these two elements are carefully designed and matched, there will be an elegant and high-end pattern that looks very comfortable.

With regard to the material of the new-style living room sofa, Yaomei will stop here first. Next, Yaomei will tell you the main points of buying a new-style living room.

1. When choosing a sofa, you should not be misled by our spacious living room. Therefore, before choosing, you must understand the area of the home, measure the place where the sofa is placed in the living room, and have a specific size, so that you can choose When buying a sofa, the sofa will not be too large or small.

2. The new style of decoration determines that our sofa purchase style is also limited. Although the style is still fixed, we can work hard on the colors. In addition to using this function, the sofa also plays a decorative role. Therefore, the color of the sofa is also very important. Babies who don't know these collocations can go to the Internet to see some cases first. When buying a sofa, they won't be confused.

3. When buying a sofa, of course, some living habits of the family should be taken into consideration. Because the sofa is actually a kind of relaxing furniture. For example, old people like to lean on the sofa to read newspapers, children like to eat snacks on the sofa, young people like to spread out on the sofa to watch TV, etc. At this time, the sofa should be selected. Comfortable. Therefore, when buying a sofa, you can sit on it and feel it yourself, and just choose the one that is comfortable for you.

The furniture in my brother-in-law's house

While I was still calculating the cost of the decoration, Mei Mei said that his new house came with decoration. I went to see it with a reference mindset and found that my brother-in-law's house is genuinely nice to decorate, but I can only tell my sister that I still think it's good to have it simply furnished.

First of all, the area is just big.

In addition to sofas, New Style cheap beds are also very inexpensive, functional and simple.

Now many homeowners are annoyed by the small space in the bedroom, after the bed is installed in what space is left, so there is the emergence of the floor, not only can be used as a bed, but also can play a storage role, the aesthetic effect is also quite good.

Smaller spaces are particularly suitable for this kind of step floor, which can greatly increase storage space and raise the bed up to present a different kind of beauty in terms of decoration.

If you don't like one of the above, you can opt for a tatami-style floor, which uses more space than the step style and has a unique personality in terms of decoration.

Living room: European style. To match the luxury of European style, the sofa backdrop is softly wrapped, and the curtains and chandelier are also chosen to be of the luxury type.

The TV backdrop is made of marble, which is not only smooth and translucent, but also very classy.

Living room looking towards the kitchen and dining room.

The dining room and kitchen are both just the right size and are exceptionally well designed, with not a single bit of space wasted.

On the back wall of the dining room is the wedding photo of the two cousins, full of dog food.

The double-door fridge is placed in the kitchen, which is easy to put up and saves space.

The bathroom is simply decorated, but the shower and toilet are smart.

The master bedroom, which is the wedding room, is decorated in a very festive and warm way. The bathroom is too awkwardly designed, with a glass room design and only a purple curtain to cover it up, which makes people feel embarrassed.

The second bedroom, for the time being, can only be used as a guest room, after all, there is no baby yet, and when there is a baby, at least the baby must be 3 years old to live alone. Buying new style furniture is recommended to buy cheap furniture uk.

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