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Psychiatric Li Li on 01/22/22
送交者: 王利民 2022年01月22日10:41:28 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Li Li's Psychiatric Behavior on January 22, 2022

Jan. 22, 2022

by Limin Wang

Today, 01/22/2022, Sat., ~11am, I was nicely asking Li Li, who was once again sitting on bed like a stoned person with her outfits on, to make lunch now so I could have lunch before my selling of used goods on Flushing downtown street. Instead, Li Li went onto bed and leaned down and asserted ONCE AGAIN that she has NO relationship with me and I should cook whatever by myself.   Li Li had twice desertions in year 2014 since that August, with the seduction, coerce, aiding and abetting of the humanscums such as church people and NYC police and psychiatrists and tellers at Citibank from the American Evil System, as well as the humanscum ChunLing Li, a biologically elder sister of Li Li, and a human-trafficking smuggled prostitute woman from Special-colored China to this prostitution America on a fraud based visa and immigration and naturalization. My 911 calls about Li Li's desertions and forced or voluntary visits to Police Precinct 109 since year 2014 all the way to the end of 2021 had only resulted 1) the police viciously twisted their police report as a disturbance to ChunLing Li's rental residence, 2) police viciously interrogated me in precinct 109's upstair interrogation room with their RIDICULOUS ASSUMPTION of LI LI being murdered and dead; 3) police viciously locked me up in precinct 109's upstair HEATING OVEN room alone for a LONG TIME; 4) police took my drive license away and only returned to me DAYS LATER in the mail ONLY AFTER I recalled about it; 5) police claimed all the months that they could not find Li LI; 6) On Aug. 05, 2015, two policemen in uniform knocked my door for a so-called WELFARE CHECKING on Li Li, days after Li Li had finally been physically contacted by me and persuaded to return; 7) police either came here to irritate me and plot to murder me the already-murder-attempted-victim, or came uninvited hours LATER with their apparent hostility toward me and without the clearly-requested-at-911 medical-only, or LIED about where Li Li had been sent to without the companion of any family member, or claimed NO whatever police report was available on its system according to a black young woman's voice on the phone when I asked about the police report of the landlord Maurice Shiau's vicious meticulous burning of my left foot's inside with the heating burner's rusty hot water, etc, etc.  Li Li had been "EDUCATED" to become so PSYCHIATRIC while she was kept by the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM in a basement or attic room along with some space shared with others, and then the AES created conditions for me to find her and get her back, only using this PSYCHIATRIC Li Li product of the AES to destroy my family from the inside!!!!!!!!!!!  

Today, Li Li immediately shifted to rant about her "facts" about who live in this 3-storey rental townhouse. Li Li ASSERTED there is only a mid-aged woman living on the third floor, NO ANOTHER mid-aged woman living on the second floor. In REALITY, there has been ANOTHER mid-aged woman related to the old-couple Chu long living on the actual second floor, and THAT 2nd-floor woman had said and done things on the hallway light, mails, and building entrance doors, and landlord Maurice Shiau once claimed HIS OWN DAUGHTER lives on the 2nd floor, and refused to come over on the night of Sept. 13, 2020 after he had collected that month's rent from me and conspired AGAIN with the second floor humanscums to GUSH water down through my bathtub ceiling area, with Maurice's LYING excuse that a 2nd-floor YOUNG woman was showering. Li Li was looking VICTORIOUSLY SMILING when she asserted that only the old Chu couple humanscums live on the 2nd floor. Last night, when Li Li psychiatrically refused my touching on her on the bed, under the quilt, with the "marriage", I mentioned about the APPARENTLY SINGLE-PARENT mid-aged woman on the 2nd floor, and urged Li Li to have some basic human integrity to leave me again and forever and then to live either SINGLE as that woman or together with whatever humanscums she may have fucked with, like with the white trash human anatomy and physiology professor at Hudson Valley Community College, instead of to live physically together since 2015 WITHOUT any income from her but WITH all psychiatric destruction only to THIS FAMILY and to CLAIM her marital "fidelity" by REFUSING TO HAVE SEX OR OTHER INTIMACY with the "husband" me who has been seriously injured on the central nervous system by humanscums at workplace and then at "diagnosing and treating" medical clinics so MY DICK HAS ALMOST NO LONGER FUCKTIONAL AT MY VOLITION.  

So, later in today's argument, I urged Li Li to go outside. She resisted moving, and I touched her to move. Then she once again grabbed things to hit me. When I demanded the things away from her hands, and bent to pick up the scattered items, Li Li hit me on my right shoulder with a long umbrella and bent it, before she ran to the front yard and stayed there claiming "domestic violence" or "murder on her".  The video clip is attached in this post, or you can see it on my Facebook account.


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