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Investors and Consumers First
送交者: 江灵飏 2022年01月27日20:11:34 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Marxism does not hold water. This is one of its gaping holes: proletariats will hopelessly and permanently remain proletariats until and unless they have canceled capitalism by means of violence. Truth be told, by no means of violence, exploited workers could turn around and exploit capitalism. In today's world, we own business shares and, for monetary gains, we are willing to take risks as our bosses do in the market. We are definitely not living in a workers' paradise, but we are investors and consumers in real life. 

As investors, we are stakeholders. Stakeholders always have a stake and demand a say in a capitalist democracy. As consumers, we are customers and customers are always right. We may hate our bosses' guts, but we have sales people suck up to us when we go shopping. Whenever we complain about unfriendly businesses, we are likely to call the shots at the end of the day. This is because we are customers, which is why our consumer society holds up so well. Speaking of which, don't we all complain about inflation? Our president immediately feels the heat. He knows that we are his customers. Indeed, we are also investors in his presidency. No president can afford to keep his customers and investors unhappy. Voters remove politicians, not the other way round. Never mind you happen to believe that a deep state is in control of America, your vote still counts. For instance, since enough voters don't like ethnic-cultural cleansing, Biden has no choice but to ban Xinjiang cotton.

Workers of America unite as investors and consumers! You have nothing to lose but your chain of Marxism.

Author: Lingyang Jiang


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