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Mike Pence Wrong on Jan 06
送交者: 王利民 2022年02月04日20:42:18 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

VP Mike Pence Is Wrong on Jan. 06
by Limin Wang
Feb. 04, 2022

The CORRUPTION and the FRAUD of the American Evil System shall NEVER be too INERT to be TOUCHED and EXPOSED. VP Mike Pence held that position with the CONSTITUTION-INVESTED POWER to RE-SET the certification procedure and to RE-START the REAL INVESTIGATION procedures for the TRUTH and JUSTICE. I, as an immigrant bottom-class "citizen", know so well the BIG LIE of the AMERICAN DEMOCRACY should not go the old way any further. Please let TRUTH of the 2020 presidential election and of anything else SURVIVE AND ARRIVE, and let JUSTICE RING AND RULE. I support the Jan. 06 movement. The DIFFERENCE of the CROWDS on the campaign is one OUTSTANDING EVIDENCE. I love some policies and practices of the Trump-Pence administration, as well as some others of the Biden-Harris administration. However, I would love the most of a SYSTEM CLEAN AND CLEAR.

People shall distrust, dethrone, and even destroy a system when it is pervasively and prevalently corrupt, fraudulent, cruel, and even murderous! My personal life experience would demonstrate the American Evil System has premeditated and coordinated 1) a series of attempted-murder onto me at the slavery warehouse and then at the bogus "diagnosing and treating" but actual "denying and destroying" medical clinics and facilities, 2) my "wife" Li Li's twice desertions and then returning as an almost DAILY PSYCHIATRIC OR HYSTERICAL adult woman who only stays home jobless and family-destructive, 3) long years of "education" and influence through various means to my young children so they have not really learned knowledge and skills well but picked up WRONG reasoning and behavior to blame only the PARENTS, 4) the de-facto seduction-kidnapping-jailing of my almost 18-yrs-old daughter Alexandria Wang to a unknown-to-parents "foster care" via the Bronx High School of Science, NYC Administration for Children's Services, NYC Police Precinct 109, 911 system, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, South Oaks Hospital (a psychiatric one), Family Court, SCO Family of Services, etc. These humanscums in the American Evil System do NOT provide you any truth or justice other than lies, distortion, destruction, destroy, and even very potentially demise, for example via police's late nighttime home visits under sham "services"! In short & simple, these humanscums shall never be considered as part of "We The People". Back to the 2020 presidential election and many other 
issues, the Jan. 06 People and President Trump represent the Star-Spangled Banner over the land of the free and the home of the brave. A usher of A New System, instead of fiddlers of the old system, shall be welcomed.

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