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Russia should announce
送交者: 王利民 2022年02月13日22:15:14 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Russia and its allies should and would announce right ahead of the war
by Limin Wang
Feb. 14, 2022

Russia and its allies should and would announce, right ahead of the war, 1)
NATO, rather than Ukraine or the USA or UK being directly pointed out, is
the ENEMY, to Russia, Russians, Russian-speaking peoples, and many other
peoples, and the enemy has inflicted long and tremendous damage and
casualties to them over the decades; 2) Wiping out the known and/or hidden
NATO forces and taking over the known or hidden NATO facilities from all
former Soviet republics, and if necessarily and conveniently, from nearby
former Warsaw Treaty Organization territories, is the goal of this war; 3)
Any NATO member country will be directly militarily targeted if its forces
and/or bases are found to be used against Russia and its allies.

If Ukraine now "renounces" its bid to join NATO, Russia and its allies shall
seek their own INVESTIGATION over the REALITY of NATO PRESENCE in Ukraine
and then expose their own FINDINGS.

Russia, you are the hope of the world to DESTROY THE EVIL WHICH DISGUISES

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