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My Calls will NOT be Answered
送交者: 王利民 2022年04月09日10:43:54 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

My Phone Calls to My Daughters will NOT be Answered --- My Daughter Alexandria Wang being Seduced and Abducted by Humanscums of the American Evil System
April 09, 2022
by Limin Wang

The Live Broadcast on Facebook:

The American Evil System's Humanscums, with their SHEER EVIL under their claimed "NYC Administration for Children's Services", started this new round of "child neglect case" practically on Sept. 21, 2021, which was a Chinese's Mid-Autumn Festival day meaning family union, and my family's SIGNIFICANT day. The humanscums have their CONTROL over my daughters' lives and future. While my elder daughter Rosila Wang is in Stony Brook University as a undergraduate, supposedly to be able to FREELY interact with the parents, her studying, and her "choice" of "a major", and her future, have apparently been under the AES HUMANSCUMS' threat and control. These AES HUMANSCUMS have "taught" her NOT to come back home for visits or even talk on the phone! My younger daughter Alexandria Wang has been de facto abducted by the AES HUMANSCUMS into a factual SECRET location, for their SHEER EVIL purpose of turning my almost-18-yr-young Alexandria into a PSYCHOPATH, and using her as a hitting tool to drive the family into further turmoil, desperation, and destroy! Alexandria Wang had not even text-messaged me for more than a full month recently, leaving along the american dreams of "phone call" or "home visit" or "in-person meeting" or "home return"!

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