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​Rai 01-02 On the Russian-Ukrainian War
送交者: 无套裤汉 2022年05月24日20:18:43 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Rai 01-02

On the Russian-Ukrainian War


Mark Wain 02-27-2022 

What's the nature of the Russian-Ukrainian War? Is there a demarcation that’s sacred and historically unshakable to such a degree that only one side is to be considered the invader, and the other a completely innocent “aggresse”? 

Both these two countries are victims of the capitalist expansionist and aggression history. None of them is innocent of the exploitation and oppression crimes committed against their own people. The only and formal difference that calls forth arguments is that Russia belongs to the Eastern Capitalist Camp consisting of China as its bellwether and Ukraine to the Western Capitalist Camp lead by the United States. 

The Russian-Ukrainian War is nothing but an inter-capitalist injustice war, in which people of both countries suffer the most for the benefits of capital’s expansion, plunder and unstoppable corruptions against especially the working class whose anti-capital strength has sapped as a result of the defeat of Maoist Revolutionary Line and Regime forty-five years ago by the Deng Xiaoping Anti-revolutionary Modern Revisionist Clique (nowadays it’s called the Special Color Party or SCP). 

Both camps keenly put on a semblance of ultra-patriotism so as to prod people into supporting their dirty war while arrogating power to the capitalist hegemons as a result.   

Their jackrabbit power growth over the past half of a century, however, is about to end, because the world’s four crises - the Great Plague, the Great Depression, the Great Hegemonic Wars, and the Great Change of Climate – are debilitating capital’s anachronism. Hegemonic wars are what capital would need to come down in the world’s stage, even though temporarily capital could have the license to steal through expanded military investment as well as its “creative destructions.” The world would not stand aside of wars anymore, as hunger, climate change and economic blackmail due to wars, are facing all creatures that remain living until now. 

Capital has in its last hurrah become public enemy No. one; people will not tolerate thievery capitalism anymore. 

“Either war causes revolution, or revolution stops war,” as the Great Leader and Teacher, Chairman Mao, taught us. The world’s proletarians, especially those in Russia and Ukraine, should tighten their grip on arms against capital that commodify their labor, topple these two predator states, turn themselves into friends and eventually comrades, instead of enemies. 

"Proletarians of the world unite!" "All oppressed peoples and nations unite!" "All Marxist-Leninists unite! "

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