My Interactions with Local SSA Office and APS on July 27, 2022
by Limin Wang
July 27, 2022, Wednesday
The TEXT part of this post was written before the live broadcast and then significantly added and edited after the live broadcast. Also, images and security camera footages were added afterwards.
Hear how the Sham and Shame "Adult Protective Services" plays on their phone calls and "home" visits. First, I will call 121 to the phone service provider Lycamobile about a "possible" voice message left by the missed phone call at today's 9:24 AM from (646) 745-5884. Then, I will call (646) 745-5884 AGAIN, because I already called it back at 1:26 PM and was IMMEDIATELY directed to VOICE MESSAGE BOX WITHOUT EVEN A SINGLE RING.
I had picked up an incoming call from (646) 745-5884 at 1:14 PM for 38 seconds today, telling that I was at the local Social Security Administration office (138-50 Barclay Ave, Flushing, NY 11355) and the SSA desk woman at that EXACT moment was FINALLY opening the inner door but ONLY SILENTLY LOOKING at me. The SSA security blackman had answered the anxious me to IGNORE the notification of "S918 Desk???14???" on the waiting list screen near the ceiling and to just WAIT for the "call". MINUTES later, my PHONE was "called" by (646) 745-5884. The phone-calling woman did NOT identify herself as WHOM but "Adult Protective Services". I also told that I would soon be available on the phone so she could either call me again or I would call back.
My interpretation is the American Evil System has again coordinated a METICULOUS scheme on me. The AES humanscums have constant surveillance on me and my family. While I left home at ~12:27 PM, and arrived at Barclay Ave SSA at ~12:50 PM, after my online searching and logging in, "Ms. Menzies" had enough time to drive from her office to my home intentionally for the missed visit. When I picked up the call and talked, they acted like what a shame I was talking "loud" in the SSA waiting room of only ONE more ticket of two people. If I had ignored the phone call, then APS "Ms. Menzies" would claim I was avoiding her phone-calls and home-visits. If I had not briefly explained to "Ms. Menzies" over the phone before hanging up, "Ms. Menzie" could claim SOLIDLY that I "intentionally avoided APS"! If I had gone out of the SSA building to continue the phone talk, the SILENT OPEN-DOOR SSA lady would very like to close the door and jump over to the next ticket number! And, the SSA "record" would include probably my "frivolity" toward the meaningfully helpful SSA, before I could restart for the waiting list ticket and waiting.
Anyone who claims only that I am paranoid about all others, please check into my other posts, including LIVE broadcasts, including about how the AES has used "Ms. Menzies" and her PREVIOUS visitS to provide the BOGUS APS but ACTUAL THREATS OF IMMEDIATE EVICTION AND THE EXPLORATION OF THEIR CREATED "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/ABUSE". To re-mention only at a tiny bit here, "Ms. Menzies" surprisingly came IN and to the ACTUAL FLOOR'S DOOR FIRST, and her cellphone loudspeaker was somehow ON talking about "Taiwanese" on the actual 2nd floor staircase plateau, on her first visit on November 03, 2021, Wednesday. Later on a virtual hearing the female landlord Jyne Shiau was unscrupulously stating that I Limin Wang was avoiding people such as APS so "Ms. Menzies" went to other floors. That day that moment, the building entrance was left OPEN, because I was fixing something on the walkway outside. "Ms. Menzies" must have been lurking nearby and then trespassed inside WITHOUT ANY PHONE CALL TO ME or KNOCKING ON MY APARTMENT DOOR, while I momentarily went inside my apartment! The "Civil Court" initiated such bogus APS and was supposed to refer WITH the full address including "Ground Floor Rear Apartment" recorded on this eviction case LT-304213/21-QU. How and why "Ms. Menzies" has rendered APS like this? While the Sham And Shame "virtual hearings" were on, such "Ms. Menzies" NEVER presented herself, and another claimed to be from APS was present and either practically silent or telling lies! THE HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM PROFESSIONALLY RUN THEIR SYSTEMATIC FRAUDS OR LOOPHOLES LIKE THIS!
On my call-back to (646) 745-5884 at 1:26 PM, IMMEDIATELY directed to a voice message box, I told that I had just been rejected from the SSA office and now I could talk with you about the "Adult Protective Services". When I came back home at near 2 PM, I saw such a NOT-FINISHED paper (image attached) in my mailbox, which claims THE "Ms. Menzies" "found" me NOT at home, and the paper gave a DIFFERENT phone (929) 252-3179 to call her back. This Facebook LIVE broadcast will cover my call to (929) 252-3179 too, and probably also to the shown Supervisor Ms. Sutton at (929) 252-3988 if no phone is answered by "Ms. Menzies".
My point is to demonstrate to the whole "accessible" world the CONSTANT SECRET POLICE SURVEILLANCE, THEIR SHAM AND SHAME "SERVICES", AND REAL HARMS, including the "service" today from the local Social Security Administration office. I arrived at the 138-50 Barclay Ave SSA office at ~12:50 PM. An outdoor standing post states something like "Wait Here Until To Be Called In", and luckily the white woman standing nearby immediately said I could go in now. I then saw the seating security guy between the opened entrance door and inside open door, and then walked further to the waiting ticket machine. The touchable screen shows two buttons which I now have forgotten the content. My interpretation of the words on these two buttons was that I should only press the one to my left. For multiple times, the screen only showed visible ripples, ELECTRONIC EFFECT. Then I waddled back to the seating security guy. The guy told me to touch the button to my RIGHT side, which definitely appeared NOT to be my category! But, what "choice" I had? But the screen still SCREENED me out. The still-seating security guy, about ten feet away, with glass panels between, told me, "You pressed too hard." Magically, a gentle TOUCH led me into the screening questions, and I finally got the ticket S918 at 12:55:45 PM.
There were only two numbers waiting ahead of me, and an old-enough Chinese couple-like were served on window #5. Pretty much like that. When I was "silently greeted" inside by a Chinese looking old woman to six-feet away from a screened desk, I showed my PRINTED three pages of the July 05, 2022 EMAILED attachment pdf file from the NYS Queens County Civil Court, Housing Part (images attached).
The lady took over the pages and shuffled for a moment and returned them to me. Basically, she did not even ask about my name or use her computer. The SSA desk lady said you already got SSDI, but I said the current SS Disability benefit of ONLY $923/MONTH is way too little. This meagre SSDI benefit was even ridiculously denied initially and fought for later, and some SIGNIFICANT amount was diverted away without SPECIFICATION, from its first SUM payment covering more than a year. She said the SSDI is the way it is, and it is only for an INDIVIDUAL, NOT for a FAMILY, and she flatly explicitly ANSWERED me that the inquired Supplemental Security Income is NOT accessible to me, and SSA does NOT provide assistance on housing. I mentioned about I had heard from an incoming phone call days ago with a phone number beginning with 347 ((347)573-9094?) telling me in a machine-like tone that Social Security could provide housing assistance to people with disabilities. This SSA lady said SSA phone numbers do not begin with 347. I told her my serious injuries from some perpetrators' numerous attempted-murders first slavery workplace B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, and then at medical clinics New York Medical & Diagnostic Center as well as New York City Medical & Neurological Offices, both referred to by my then Jewish "representatives" from Bangel, Cohen and Falconetti and authorized by NYS WCB; my wife being turned into a psychotic woman by the American System; and my younger daughter at the age of 17-and-a-half years old seduced and de facto abducted by the American Evil System into "psychiatric care" and "foster care" against the parents and the whole family. The SSA woman then SOMEHOW blamed all to that I do not have a lawyer. I exchanged that I had the Jewish attorneys on the Workers' Compensation case (G2029240), but they from the very beginning are part of FURTHER MURDER SCHEMES AGAINST ME., and I had sought "professional" help from many other law firms and medical providers over a couple of years, but they either neglected me or started like the ones I had. Since I was told by her that SSA could NOT provide any further help, specifically on delaying the eviction, I wanted her name. She said she is Ms. Ng, and then offered to stamp the back of my ticket number and to handwrite down "Ms. Ng"(images of ticket front and back shown). Ms. Ng would neither provide a business card nor a full name. I wish the SSA office would have the security videos (including audio) about this whole experience.
When back at home, after seeing the folded paper left by "Ms. Menzies" from "Adult Protective Services", I checked my security camera's footages (videos attached).
Four security camera videos:
MY SECURITY CAMERA’S TIME CURRENTLY IS ABOUT EIGHT MINUTES BEHIND. "Ms. Menzies" came directly to the door, WITHOUT pressing any doorbell or calling me first or knocking the iron gate or anything, instead, quickly flipping the papers of her notepad and IMMEDIATELY ballpening on this dropped sheet, "You Referred yourself to APS and I came to the house to make a home visit to you but you were not at home. Please call Ms. Menzies". "Ms. Menzies" acted to have completely IGNORED the conspicuous note I have taped onto the iron gate mailbox about the "POSSIBLE" POSTAL MAIL from "Civil Court" directly to "Limin Wang" (image attached).
She momentarily stared through the iron gate down the ground floor hallway, after her immediate handwriting of that "PARAGRAPH". After the staring, Ms. Menzies STARTED to call me. When I picked up her call and heard her CLEARLY and I said CLEARLY, "Ms. Menzies" was weirdly but quickly WALKING AWAY. My interpretation of her that move is "Ms. Menzies" would ACTUALLY LEAVE if I had really been at home, and she would claim something ELSE on the phone. But since she was confirmed that I was not at home, "Ms. Menzies" came BACK to the iron gate to continue her paperwork. NOTHING was filled at the "I will visit you again on:" or marked at during the "Morning (before 12 PM" or "Afternoon (after 12 PM)" while "Ms. Menzies" seemed to take so long to fill in "7/27/22" on the Date: line and "Limin Wang" on the Dear: line.
"Ms. Menzies" appeared to first drop the paper into the mailbox near the doorbell buttons but quickly switched to "securely" PEEK into the iron-gate mailbox through its intake gap before inserting the 2x2-folded paper (image attached)
in WITHOUT even trying to flip open the mailbox's intake top. SHE MUST ACTUALLY KNOW THAT'S THE MAILBOX OUT OF THE THREE THAT HAS BEEN CLAIMED AND USED FOR MY FAMILY, and she knows it's locked, and she acted so "DECENTLY" to remind herself to flip the waterproof top down, before her leaving from her stay of a couple of minutes. The silent security camera footages say loud enough.
Not only my CALLS back to (646) 745-5884 but also the phone conversation with "Ms. Menzies" answering at (929) 252-3179 showcase the SHAM AND SHAME "Adult Protective Services" from the American Evil System to its PREMEDITATEDLY AND COORDINATEDLY TARGETED VICTIMS like me and my family. I wish the FULL audio of this Facebook Live Broadcast would not be altered or muted or deleted by any AES humanscums. You judge how the "We the people" governmental agencies always try to blame the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S victims themselves while the AES provides persistent, all-around torts, torture, threats, murder attempts. “Ms. Menzies” answered that (646) 745-5884 is her WORK cell phone # and (929) 252-3179 is her WORK landline #, and claimed she was still in driving when I called (646) 745-5884 at 1:26 PM. How come my call, WITHOUT EVEN A SINGLE RING, was directed to her voice message box? By her blocking my number? By her turning her WORK cell phone off? “Ms. Menzies” could NOT answer what she was talking about on her PREVIOUS visits to here. “Ms. Menzies” insisted NOT to tell me her WORK EMAIL address while I want to forward her the “Civil Court” EVICTION decision/order! The Eviction Order has stated in its end, "Counsel for petitioners shall serve a copy of this Decision/Order upon Limin Wang and Li Li, via first class mail and in separate envelopes, on or before July 8, 2022. Counsel shall serve a copy of this Decision/Order upon Adult Protective Services forthwith." While the 3-page Decision/Order carries a lot of fabrication and distortion and avoiding and neglecting on the SIXTEEN categories of RENTAL ISSUES (images attached) I drafted to the court and the landlord side, it avoided to mention that my whole family is self-represented by me.
Apparently, from multiple cues, including the written "You Referred yourself...", Counsel of the landlord Maurice and Jyne Shiau has NOT served a copy of this Decision/Order upon APS forthwith, or the APS has completely neglected the referral, and of course the UNTOUCHABLE "Court System" would NOT send a direct copy to APS, and the UNTOUCHABLE "Court System" had SELECTIVELY NEGLECTED me on a postal mail version of its Eviction Decision while having mailed Li Li, "John Doe", "Jane Doe"! (images attached)
PLEASE BE CURIOUS OF ONLY THE REVERSELY-PRINTED SENDER’S NAME AND ADDRESS ON THE BACK OF THE ENVELOPE OF THE “CIVIL COURT HOUSING PART” EVICTION DECISION MAIL TO LI LI. NO REVERSELY-PRINTED RECEIVER’S INFO THOUGH! While "Ms. Menzies" SOMEHOW KNOWS AND TALKED about this case's STARTING DATE of March 2021, how she came first to the actual SECOND FLOOR instead of the Ground Floor Rear Apartment? and how she did NOT know what I have explicitly requested in the self-referral to APS? How she did NOT know how many YEARS or DECADES the AES and its HUMANSCUMS have persecuted and murder-attempted me and my family while the AES has persistently NEGLECTED on “JUSTICE”, if not INTENTIONALLY FURTHERED ON HEINOUS CRIMES? It outstandingly reflects either trashy “work”, or fraudulent "services" or malicious crimes by the AES and its rotten-to-the-core "servants".
The italic paragraphs between square brackets were my email to on July 25, 2022, Monday, 11:18 AM, which has not been replied in email.
[[[Dear NYC APS,
I heard about Adult Protective Services when the Civil Court of NYC, Housing Part, was running the proceedings of the landlord's eviction case against me and my family. Somebody self-introduced as working from APS did come to my current rental residence a few times, NOT providing ANY "Adult Protective Services". I am worried that this email to NYC APS would be futile or even counter-effective. Anyway, I need to try for the advocated APS, so I googled, and found this Refer email address on an NYC governmental webpage
The following paragraphs were emailed to NYC Mayor's Office of Tenant Protection last Friday. Would you please help me and my family on these mentioned URGENT AND SERIOUS matters, including being ordered to be evicted on August 16, 2022?
Thanks in advance
Limin Wang
136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment
Flushing, NY 11355
Cell Phone: (646) 623-0501
The NYC Civil Court, Housing Part, Emailed me Judge Enedina Pilar Sanchez's EVICTION Decision & Order, via Senior Court Clerk Serena Valdes ( on July 05, 2022 about my landlords Maurice Shiau & Jyne Shiau & their attorney's petition of Eviction case LT-304213-21/QU, after a series of SHAM AND SHAME "virtual hearings", surprising visits of BOGUS "Adult Protection Services" and REAL humiliation and ASSAULT, and the LAUGHABLE "trial" METICULOUSLY SCHEMED with other humanscums of the American Evil System. The much FABRICATED AND DISTORTED 3-page "Judge's Decision" of EVICTION or POSSESSION clearly shows the Corrupt System's collusion with the Petitioners' mostly FABRICATED AND DISTORTED "petition" files, while the "Court" and the landlord side AVOID, IGNORE, DISTORT my presentations (on phone virtual, in court verbal, or in written emails & files) of the SIXTEEN categories of listed ISSUES about this RENTAL, and the MISERABLE BACKGROUND INFORMATION of me and my family!
I have been severely and permanently injured, particularly on the Central Nervous System, at the VICIOUS SLAVERY workplace (B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc. 109-35, 178th St., Jamaica, NY 11433) and then at two PROFESSIONALLY MURDEROUS "medical clinics" named as New York Medical & Diagnostic Center (80-46 Kew Gardens Rd, Kew Gardens, NY 11415), and New York City Medical & Neurological Offices (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suites 601 & 611, Elmhurst, NY 11373), both authorized by NYS Workers' Compensation Board and referred to by "my" then WC "representative" law firm Bengal, Cohen & Falconetti, LLC (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suite 400, Elmhurst, NY 11373). That WC case is G2029240. My wife Li Li could NOT survive the harsh working environment in and around NYC and became psychologically distressed and stayed home, but the AES HUMANSCUMS, including Li Li's human-trafficked elder sister ChunLing Li and the NYC Police, seduced, coerced, aided and abetted Li Li to DESERT this family twice in year 2014, and Li Li came back in 2015 as an almost CONSTANT "PSYCHOTIC" AND FREQUENT "HYSTERICAL" woman SO DISTRUCTIVE only to this miserable young family. The AES Humanscums turned Li Li into such and want to use Li Li for "domestic violence" against ME. Beyond, my younger daughter, Alexandria Wang, when SEVENTEEN-AND-A-HALF-YEARS-OLD, was seduced and abducted by HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM to desert this miserable family, and these AES HUMANSCUMS, including at Bronx High School of Science, NYC "Administration for Children's Services", NYPD, Hospitals, "Foster Care" threw a BAIT of "suicidal thoughts/behavior" to Alexandria Wang and then have de facto abducted and jailed her into "psychiatric care" and "foster care", at/with LOCATIONS/MEANS/CONTENT all SECRET/INACCESSIBLE to the REAL, WORRING, AND SUFFERING parents. Even any electronic communication between Alexandria and the parents is PROHIBITED! The AES Humanscums hold the SHAM AND SHAME "virtual hearings" too, in this "child neglect" case (Docket # NN-09918-21)! And, they have also affected my elder daughter Rosila Wang, still a VERY YOUNG, IMMATURE, adult, to START TO DISCONNECT WITH the parents!
Why Heroes and God have NOT DESTORYED the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM and its HUMANSCUMS yet? Why EVIL often WINS in the AES?
I am tentatively asking for at least POSTPONING THE EVICTION (said to be effective August 16, 2022, but I am the SELECTED ONE who has NOT received a POSTAL MAIL of the court's eviction decision yet as of today July 22, 2022, more than TWO weeks since the decision made. The court has apparently ignored my email responses to the eviction decision, even about my request of the postal mail of the EVICTION decision. The Marshall or Sheriff has NOT served a Warrant of Eviction yet. Of course, if the NYC or NYS government agencies could provide much of genuine, effective help of mitigation, solution, justice on all the serious issues mentioned in this inquiry, IT WOULD BE GREAT.]]]
While “Ms. Menzies” has NEVER revealed what she has provided or can provide or need during her NECESSARY home-visits, she offered over my phone call that she would come to this current “residential” address of 136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355 at 10:00 AM, July 29, 2022, Friday. I remind “Ms. Menzies”, 1) I do not want any form of assault from her on me during her visit with or without a companion like “Psychiatrist” “David Klein”; 2) the doorbell to the Ground Floor Rear Apartment was METICULOUSLY and PREMEDITATEDLY DISABLED by landlord Mr. Maurice Shiau and his “handyman” on their BOGUS fixation of other stuff on January 28, 2021 and stays so; 3) my cell phone service is constantly surveilled and controlled by the American Evil System, so her claim of “waiting for her phone call” sounds FISHY that “Ms. Menzies” would NOT come BUT would blame it on me NOT picking up her call; 4) I would wait for her visit at and near 10:00 AM, July 29, 2022.
The whole eviction case of LT-304213/21/QU will be reviewed by me with a long article, while the LIVE broadcasts on Facebook of all the virtual "hearings" between my first in-person attendance on the 09/24/2021 first "hearing" and the 04/05/2022 in person "trial" have been publicized online for your judgment of the BOGUS AND MALICIOUS "Rule of Law".
To just mention briefly about my younger daughter Alexandria Wang now over 18-yr-old, the HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, through their NYC "Administration for Children's Services" attorney "Ms. Rachel Radomski", emailed me on July 26, 2022, Tuesday, 4:28 PM, CURTLY that "This is to notify you that the child , Alexandria Wang, has been placed in a "Qualified Residential Treatment Program on July 25, 2022." (images attached,somehow the image of email exchange could not be uploaded to this bbsland.)
What "Qualified Residential Treatment Program" in the American Evil System means? It means they lock up their victims as “patients”, prohibit ANY communications between their victims and the WHOLE OUTSIDE including victims’ LOVED AND LOVING ONES, and force their victims into RETARDS, MEDICAL ANIMALS, OR BODY PARTS PROVIDERS, OR BODIES via “medical services”! I have EXPERIENCED/WITNESSED the PROFESSIONAL MURDERING by the American Evil System’s “medical providers” onto me and my wife Li Li. The AES humanscums are now MURDERING my children via their PHYSICAL, TECHNICAL, PSYCHIATRIC CONTROLS OVER MY DAUGHTERS, INCLUDING THE ELDER DAUGHTER ROSILA WANG! The PARENTS HAVE NOT KNOWN WHAT REALLY THE AES HUMANSCUMS HAVE DONE TO A YOUNG CHINESE FEMALE MY DAUGHTER ALEXANDRIA WANG since she was tricked mainly by the mustached white thug as uniformed police “Sergeant John Valentino” onto the Ambulance and brought away at around ~1:30 AM on the night of Sept. 24-25, 2021. Readers, please be reminded how Li Li had already been turned into a PSYCHOPATH by the AES HUMANSCUMS. THE AES HUMANSCUMS RUIN AND EVEN ATTEMPT MURDERS ON THEIR VICTIMS DIRECTLY, but they keep blaming and accusing the atrocities ONTO THE VICTIMS ONLY, especially onto the victims who want to FIGHT BACK against the AES HUMANSCUMS. The AES has also forcefully fabricated tax return “records” without meaningful explanations and diverted/withheld tax return money away from this FAMILY, particularly about Alexandria Wang. AES HUMANSCUMS, you can NEVER reveal any actual words and deeds you have done at your "work" or "off-work" to your own family members or close ones.
The live broadcast on Facebook of the recorded voice message from “Ms. Menzies” at her number (646) 745-5884 and my phone conversation with “Ms. Menzies” at her number (929) 252-3179 can be found at
Russians, and any heroic people around the globe, stand up and fight to remove the HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM via ALL METHODS AND MATERIALS. This world should NOT be the world of the American Evil System and its HUMANSCUMS. The AES HUMANSCUMS SHALL NOT MURDER PEOPLE, INCLUDING COMMITTING GENOCIDES SUCH AS TO THE NATIVE AMERICANS, "FREELY"! The AES HUMANSCUMS must pay for the EVIL they have committed, by being tortured, murdered, massacred. I am advocating the ways to reach real meaningful peace, rather than violence, crimes, or wars.