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Emails to My Adult Daughters
送交者: 王利民 2022年07月29日20:02:47 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

My Email Messaging to My ADULT Daughters While Replying Humanscums --- My Daughter Alexandria Wang being Seduced and Abducted by Humanscums of the American Evil System

Limin Wang

Instead of copying and pasting the texts, I printed out that series of emails which was initiated by "Rachel Radomski", the "attorney" for New York City "Administration for Children Services", for her sham and shame play under the "rule of law" with the NY Queens County Family Court's clerk "Ms. Jane Shortell" for a motion of "Qualified Residential Treatment Plan" onto my now ADULT-AGE daughter Alexandria Wang, AFTER those humanscums of American Evil System had already de facto all-time jailed Alexandria Wang under the term of QRTP! You please read the emails in the four attached images.

Gmail - Li L. and Limin W. - Docket #_ NN-09918-21 Rec July 28 2022-1.jpg

Gmail - Li L. and Limin W. - Docket #_ NN-09918-21 Rec July 28 2022-2.jpg

Gmail - Li L. and Limin W. - Docket #_ NN-09918-21 Rec July 28 2022-3.jpg

Gmail - Li L. and Limin W. - Docket #_ NN-09918-21 Rec July 28 2022-4.jpg

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