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The So-Called Bucha Massacre is SO RIDICULOUS
送交者: 王利民 2022年09月06日20:35:57 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

The So-Called Bucha Massacre is SO OBVIOUSLY RIDICULOUS
Sept. 06, 2022
by Limin Wang

The so-called Bucha Massacre allegedly committed by Russian Military Forces is ABSOLUTELY FABRICATED AND DISTORTED by the American Evil System and its puppet regimes including the Zelensky one in Ukraine. How I reached such a conclusion? Any HONEST AND INDEPENDENT AND BRAVE AND INTELLIGENT people, you have seen the widespread videos of the burnt-out and/or destroyed Russian military equipments PILED UP in Bucha, Ukraine. Question your dim wit against the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S BRAINWASHING MASS MEDIA: how the Russian military equipments were destroyed there. Then, you EXAMINE the AES mass media's reports, including videos, of the so-called Bucha Massacre on Bucha "Civilians". You might have recalled the MOVING ARM of a supposed dead body on streetside to avoid a WHIZZING-BY Ukrainian military vehicle. You might have recalled the scattered-around "civilian" "dead bodies" but almost no military-uniformed dead bodies. You should have doubted on ABC Channel 7's David Muir's "World News" of TODAY, September 06, 2022 that it covers a Ukrainian young man showed a burnt-out basement and picked up a burnt human upper leg bone from the black dirt. WHY NEAR THE THIGH BONE/FEMUR IS NO OTHER BONES? WHY SUCH A FEMUR IS STILL THERE MORE THAN FIVE MONTHS AFTER THE RMF HAD RETREATED? REAL SCIENCE BEYOND PERSONAL OR GOVERNMENTAL EVIL SHOULD HAVE TAUGHT YOU THAT ALL BONES ARE UNEASY TO BE BURNT OR DEGRADED. The only truth about the so-called Bucha Massacre should be there were FIERCE BATTLES and the Russian Military Forces had suffered greatly there. What an EVIL PSYCHIATRIC GAME played by the American Evil System and its puppets evil regimes onto Russia and its allies!

  A human world WITHOUT the AMER - 王利民 09/06/22 (275)
  没有在万维博客最新博文列表显示出来!  /无内容 - 王利民 09/06/22 (270)
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