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Is it hard to destroy HIMARS?
送交者: 王利民 2022年11月13日20:09:51 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Is it that hard to destroy HIMARS?
by Limin Wang
Nov. 13, 2022

The vehicle is not invisible, is it? The rocket/missile launch is not invisible/tractable/calculatable, is it? The flying rocket/missile is not guided, is it? Russians can not pump up air tanks/vehicles/artilleries/servicemen, can them? Russians can not destroy all bridges/highways/railroads/trucks in a theater, can they? Russians can not burn out any trees in open fields or villages, can they? Russians can not use any types of UAVs, can they? Russians' MRLS or artillery can not bombard the possible tracked-down area, can they? Russians can not destroy any TRANSPORTATION of HIMARS and their missiles/rockets right after or even before they arrive in Ukraine, can they? Russians should destroy all the bridges across Dniper River after they really temporarily withdrew from its west bank. All in all, the American Evil System and all its puppet evil systems must be destroyed, because they are NOT DEMOCRACY AT ALL, because they are SHEER BRUTAL EVIL MURDERING AND KILLING AND ENSLAVING PEOPLE.

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