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One Lesson from the Two Opium Wars
送交者: 江灵飏 2022年12月03日17:01:58 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

The dust of the two Opium Wars has yet to settle. Between China and the West, the bone of contention has yet to be buried away. Yesterday's burning issue remains today's, which is thus being highlighted here in the present tense:

From the perspective of the British Empire, international trade should be free and needs to be free. Sell me what you have. Buy from me what I have. Cooperate if we can. Compete if we have to. In a nutshell, free trade is the golden rule that must be upheld.

From the perspective of the Qing Empire, international trade is a matter of choice. China chooses not to buy opium from the British Empire (through the East India Company). It has every right to stop illicit opium trade at the border. Trade must be fair, first and foremost. 

Today, the United States of America adopts the perspective of the Qing Empire. The People's Republic of China upholds the perspective of the British Empire.

Free trade or fair trade?

Author: Lingyang Jiang

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