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Putin's Address can be Better
送交者: 王利民 2023年02月21日14:02:00 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Vladimir Putin’s 02/21/23 Address to Federal Assembly can be Better

By Limin Wang

Feb. 21, 2023, updated Feb. 24 & 25 & 27, 2023


On the Kremlin website, I was reading the English transcript of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s February 21, 2023 address to the Federal Assembly, Russian Officials, and Russian Citizens.


Overall, it’s a very impressive and comprehensive speech. Some shortcomings, in my personal opinion, need to be pointed out, for the sake of Mr. Putin’s agenda, Russian Federation’s agenda, Russian people’s interests, many governments and peoples’ interests, as well as my own personal and familial interests.


Mr. Putin has put in the RIDICULOUS REALITIES, domestical and abroad, of the so-called Western, particularly the American, “democracy” and “freedom” at a forerunning position with a significant portion. Then, Mr. Putin and Russia should think of PRACTICAL WAYS to attract and help those non-Russians but very likely wanna-be-Russians, in the fight at a global sphere, including in Ukraine, against the basically-run-on-brutality-fraud-and-technology EVIL. THE OVERT BANNER WOULD BE A NEW SYSTEM OF REAL DEMOCRACY: GENERAL PEOPLE HAVE GENERAL RESOURCES IN THEIR CONTROL, RUN, AND USE.


The 2nd major point would be the talk of socio-economic re-structuring but the absence of state-run businesses. The war in Ukraine must be utilized as a catalyst to re-generate the better version of communism economy, and to re-modify the direct-election government system for communism. The new territories should be used as a test field for such a new system. THE REAL CONFLICT IS BETWEEN SYSTEMS. The American “liberty” and “democracy” are PRACTICAL EVIL, meaning individual enslavery, familial disintegration, individual demise, and corrupt shithole puppets DEMOCRAPIC “governments”. All in all lead to so many many people having NO MAN’S LAND to live on. No matter how much imperfection the Stalin’s or Mao’s Communism Systems had, THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM IS ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD TO THE GENERAL PEOPLE. My experiences and witnesses of over two decades on the AES are the UNDENIABLE AND INDELIBLE facts and evidence, and the American State Terrorism system is still persecuting and murder-attempting me the SEVERELY PHYSICALLY, PHYSIOLOGICALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY INJURED victim, while the AES HUMANSCUMS had seduced, drugged and brainwashed my NO-REAL-LOVE-TO-ME wife Li Li into a decade-long SEVERE JOBLESS PSYCHOPATH ONLY AGAINST ME, and while the AES HUMANSCUMS have LONG-YEARS SYSTEMATICLY AND SECRETLY brainwashed my young daughters and then OPENLY USED UNIFORMED NYPD to seduce and abduct my younger daughter, then-17-and-a-half years old, Alexandria Wang into INVOLUNTARY PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT away from both parents only because the AES HUMANSCUMS CLAIM Alexandria has “suicidal thoughts”. Does anyone ever want to acknowledge the SHEER EVIL FACTS about the American “Legal” System, Social Services, and cannibalistic ecosystem? Ukrainians know any “famous” “Ukrainians” in the USA or Ukraine? Late Senator Arlen Specter from Pennsylvania who wrote a book “Life Among The Cannibals”? Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins shot dead by a single bullet on work by “accident”? Or any expensive famous East-European prostitute? Or the “Ukrainians” mentioned in the first Witch-Hunt on Donald J. Trump? What Ukraine had before its “independence” from the Soviet Union’s implosion and collapse? What Ukraine has “developed” into since more than three decades ago? A corrupt shithole Jewish-elite system which would not accept the 2014 presidential GENERAL ELECTION result but would stage a violent coup! Anybody paid attention to the Jan. 06, 2021 Capitol Protest about the STOLEN ELECTION and the IMMEDIATE AND AFTERWARD RUTHLESS AND SHAMELESS CRACK-DOWN in the U.S.A.? Anyone fighting for the AES or its crony should worry whether your wives or family female members are being seduced, fucked, or raped away from you.


The 3rd major problem is Mr. Putin still occasionally uses the term “neo-Nazi”, which is really wrong to my opinion. When you talk about the words “Nazi” or “neo-Nazi”, the impression invoked to your audience would be Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, Jews, “Holocaust”, etc to many non-Russians and Great Patriotic War, Joseph Stalin, etc to many Russians. However, the recent and present wars Russian Federation involved into are directly between the US-UK CONTROLLED NATO and Russia, the major heir of former Soviet Union and the hard core of former Warsaw Pact. Germany has NOT been on your adversary side anymore and needs to become a SOVEREIGN nation. The continental European countries have FOR CENTURIES fooled and manipulated by the UK-US or US-UK system for internal destruction, external loss of colonies and influences, and then pervasive control by the US-UK.


One more comment about the Address, Mr. Putin tried to persuade Russian businessmen to come back instead of frequenting Western “courts”. Although a civilization is far beyond daily life and much more than technology, Russia should contemplate and execute policies to entice Russian-speaking scholars back and to attract non-Russian-speaking ones with extra perks such as “language assistant” or “understanding guide” or “Siberian silo”.


The longer you plan, the earlier you prepare, the better you do, and the longer the war against the EVIL HYPOCRISY AND BRUTALITY goes in Ukraine and beyond, the better you Russia, Russians, and your allies will be. Make the Address’s opening remarks practically a reality, please. NEVER YIELD, NEVER COMPROMISE, because as long as the American Evil System is not dead, it will always inflict enormous frauds and harms, including demise, onto the ruled people and ANY INDEPENDENT NATION, particularly the nations where the general people have a more humane living.

  significantly update 02/25/23  /无内容 - 王利民 02/25/23 (28)
  updated 02/24/2023  /无内容 - 王利民 02/24/23 (29)
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