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Hong Kong: Enter At Your Own Risk
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月19日17:10:10 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

A few years ago, I penned the following:

"The imposition of the national security law in 2020, mandated by Beijing, has fueled fears of political interference in the judiciary of Hong Kong. 

Equally distressing is the disqualification of pro-democracy lawmakers and the arrests of activists, which have inflamed tensions territory-wide.

Meanwhile, the waning commitment to the rule of law in Hong Kong carries significant ramifications for its future as a global financial center and a symbol of freedom in the region. International investors and businesses may hesitate to operate in a jurisdiction where legal certainty and the protection of rights are in question.

Overall, the erosion of judicial independence undermines public trust in the legal system and exacerbates social divisions within the territory."

Today, the once vibrant, free-spirited Pearl of the Orient finds itself ensnared in the grip of rule by law — Beijing's law.

The narrative of Hong Kong has tragically shifted into one of shattered aspirations, courtesy of the enforcement of draconian Article 23 of the Basic Law. Plainly, a form of martial law is something Hongkongers have to reckon with.

Author: renqiulan


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