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Movie Review: Abigail
送交者: renqiulan 2024年04月22日17:11:06 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Picture a group of vampires terrified of blood, opting for tomato juice instead. They're also allergic to garlic, resulting in uncontrollable sneezing whenever near it. Imagine them attempting to blend into modern society, leading to uproarious mishaps as they navigate awkward social situations. Add slapstick comedy, eccentric side characters, and a plot twist where horror meets humor, thereby breathing new life into the vampire genre.

However, "Abigail" is none of the above. Instead, this latest vampire flick is another bloody mess that doesn't quite fit the bill. Nevertheless, it starts with an aesthetically pleasing scene featuring Abigail gracefully twirling to Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake theme, just before being abducted for ransom. Before long, the abductors realize that it's they who are in deep trouble.

Overall, the movie doesn't promise much suspense. It didn't keep me on the edge of my seat anyway. I'd rather have a rerun of Roman Polanski's classic, "The Fearless Vampire Killers."

Author: renqiulan



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