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Comrade Biden Should Retire
送交者: 铁石 2024年07月20日08:29:48 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

By Jintao Zhu
July 19, 2024

Our beloved Comrade Biden has been tirelessly working for the party and the nation since his youth, spanning over fifty years. Now, even in his eighties, he continues to dedicate himself to the role of President, serving with unwavering commitment. His loyalty to our country and our people is evident to all.

However, time spares no one, and Comrade Biden has aged significantly. Although he remains determined and ambitious, aiming for another term as President of theUnited   States, the laws of nature are unyielding. His severe loss during the debate with former President Comrade Trump on June 27 highlighted his decline. He appeared dazed, his voice hoarse, his speech incoherent, and he struggled to complete his statements within the allotted two minutes. Even though the debate host from CNN, a Democratic supporter, repeatedly reminded him that he had time left, hoping to help him, Comrade Biden’s weak condition betrayed him, making him a subject of ridicule in front of the American people. After the debate, the public expressed serious doubts about Comrade Biden's ability to govern. Many senior Democratic figures have urged him to drop out of the campaign, prioritizing the fundamental interests of the party and the country, and allow a younger, more vigorous candidate to take his place.

Comrade Biden, however, insists that he has many unfinished tasks and cannot retire because the people need him, and he wants to continue serving them. Since the Democratic nomination process is complete, if Comrade Biden refuses to withdraw, the party members are powerless. Meanwhile, the Republican candidate, Comrade Trump, who survived an assassination attempt, is gaining immense popularity. If Comrade Biden insists on staying in the race, it is highly unlikely that he will win the next presidential term. Moreover, his insistence might drag down the entire Democratic Party, leading to losses in both the Senate and the House elections.

From Comrade Biden's victory in the primaries, we can see flaws in the primary election process. Traditionally, the sitting president is the obvious candidate for re-election. However, due to Comrade Biden's advanced age and frailty, challengers emerged for the first time in decades. Yet, Comrade Biden avoided participating in debates, concealing his weaknesses that became evident during his debate with Comrade Trump. In a way, he cleverly exploited the flaws in the internal party election process, deceiving the public's trust.

Many Democrats now express that if they had known about Comrade Biden’s frail health during the primaries, they would never have chosen him, feeling deceived. Therefore, Comrade Biden's nomination is not a true reflection of the people's will. His desire to serve the people is commendable, but the method matters. Comrade Biden must not overestimate his indispensability to the party or the nation. There are numerous talented individuals within the Democratic Party, many younger and more capable than Comrade Biden. If Comrade Biden fails to recognize this and gracefully step down, he will inevitably face the people's condemnation.

We sincerely hope Comrade Biden does not use the pretext of serving the people to cling to power. Clinging to power is a great danger to the nation. Now is the time for Comrade Biden to show his high moral standards and retire gracefully. His withdrawal from the race would be the best way for him to serve the people!




我们敬爱的拜登同志从青年时代起就为党和国家的事业操劳,屈指数来,已经整整五十多个春秋了。 如今他虽已届耄耋之年,依然在总统的岗位上呕心沥血,鞠躬尽瘁。日月昭昭,忠心可鉴。







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