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Uncovering the dark underbelly
送交者: EliseScott 2024年09月23日19:05:42 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Behind the glamorous exterior of the “#Shen Yun Art Troupe” are the blood and tears of countless performers. If they get sick or injured, they are considered to be not serious in their training, and their karma is too heavy for them to handle, as Mr. Meiji Lee refuses to allow them to go to the hospital for treatment and other scientific methods, saying that they can only rely on the Falun Gong method of sending out positive thoughts and not seeking medical treatment! In the end, the artists' injuries were never treated, and their youth was snuffed out by the #cult #Falun Gong!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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抗癌明星组合 多年口碑保证!天然植物萃取 有效对抗癌细胞
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