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送交者: 马铭 2007年01月03日10:25:44 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

作者:马铭 于2007年1月

伊拉克的前独裁者萨达姆(Saddam Hussein)以反人类罪被吊死了,于是表演开始了。
英国人说我们历来反对死刑,但是这事发生在伊拉克的法庭,是伊人做的决定。("We oppose the death penalty in all cases, regardless of the individual or the crime," said Rob Tinline, spokesman for the British Foreign Office. "[But] it's an Iraqi trial, with Iraqi defendants, in an Iraqi court — it's a decision for the Iraqi authorities.")
伟大的上帝信民布什总统直接上阵了,布什总统发表意义重大的专门声明,说,这是伊拉克民主进程的里程碑,虽然萨旦姆的死无助于减少伊拉克每日的杀戮;此乃伊拉克一个民主国家的胜利,从此伊国政府就可以自治、自持自受、自护了,就可以真正成为一个反恐战线的坚定盟友了。(U.S. President George W. Bush released a statement late Friday night, saying the ????ution comes "at the end of a difficult year" for the Iraqi people and for U.S. troops. "Bringing Saddam Hussein to justice will not end the violence in Iraq, but it is an important milestone on Iraq's course to becoming a democracy that can govern, sustain and defend itself, and be an ally in the war on terror.")
澳大利亚说,这是一件相当“英勇的”的事情,伊国正在勇敢地享受痛苦。(Australian Prime Minister John Howard said due process in accordance with Iraqi law was followed leading up to the ????ution."And I believe there's something quite heroic about a country that's going through the pain and suffering that Iraq is going through, it still extends due process to somebody who was a tyrant and a brutal suppressor and murderer of his people.")
梵蒂岗说,我们反对死刑,即使对一个罪恶的人进行死刑也是我们所反对的。阿门!(A Vatican spokesman on Saturday called Saddam Hussein's ????ution "tragic" and said it could escalate the fighting in Iraq."The killing of the guilty is not the way to reconstruct justice and reconcile society," Rev. Federico Lombardi said in a statement. "There is rather the risk that it might fuel the spirit of vengeance and sow the seeds of new violence.")这是天主梵国对岗对处死萨达姆的谴责吗?

中国媒体选择性地评论萨达姆之死,但是,展转流动在北美欧洲等地的 “中国未来斗士”却不会放过这么一个绝好时刻,一个绝好的对中国大陆进行“政治批判”的伟大时刻。一位充满希望憧憬的作者这么写道:
邓小平李鹏命令军队屠城,江泽民罗干亲自镇压宗教信仰自由,目前,这些反人类的罪行已经开始送上了国际审判的程序。从亲自上马镇压西藏喇嘛,到变本加厉打压国内异见,可见胡锦涛也是一个专横跋扈的暴君,他的双手,已经沾满了种种反人类活动的血腥。“(详见章笑拳所写的《老萨已被处绞刑 人民最终审暴君》)

地处南美中部的玻利维亚(Bolivia)政府为了履行与总部位于加州的全球公司Bechtel的合约,在本国卡恰邦布市(Cochabamba)实行戒严并且对抗议民众进行搜捕。事情的原由是,1997年世界银行要求玻政府将卡市的公共供水系统私有化,以作为援助玻国水利建设的附加条件,玻利维亚政府迫于“自由贸易”的压力实行自来水民营化政策,并于1999年批准Bechtel子公司Aguas del Tunari为特许经营法人给卡恰邦布市提供各种水服务。其后,此公司大幅增加水价,甚至禁止贫民储蓄雨水,结果引发当地民众的示威游行和数次罢工。当地政府的戒严搜捕事件发生后,引起各方关注,迫于压力,该市的供水系统于2004年重新回归公营。为此,Bechtel公司向玻政府提出5000万美元的索赔。


而事实是,大多数中国人对事物的观察是直观的感性的,比如一位网友说了粗话,“看照片好象是恐怖分子在杀人,究竟谁TM是恐怖分子呀?”。而我,当看到当地报纸上刊登的处死萨达姆这一突然消息(Break News)时,第一感却是“窃钩者盗,窃国者侯。堂堂一个国家去执法,却如同做贼一样,可笑可怜。”

作者是英国独立报(The Independent)在中东的记者生于肯特郡的英国人罗伯特. 菲斯克(Robert Fisk),他长期居住在黎巴嫩。
2006年12月30日,罗伯特在独立报上发表文章《一个由美国制造和毁灭的独裁者》(A dictator created then destroyed by America):
我们的报纸也不会报道,虽然现在处死了一个罪恶的人,那么其他有罪的人怎么办?(what about the other guilty men?)
当然,布莱尔首相不是萨达姆,他并没有象萨达姆一样用毒气杀害敌手;布什总统也不是萨达姆,他并没有入侵伊朗和科威特,他只是占领了伊拉克。但是数十万伊拉克平民丧生了,同时数千名西方士兵死掉了。为什么发生这样的死亡,只是因为在2003年布什、布莱尔及西班牙首相、意大利首相、澳大利亚首相等先生们发动的战争,一场基于谎言的战争(a potage of lies and mendacity)。
对于萨达姆,我已经分类例举过他的罪行,也曾经与库尔德的受害者谈过话,他们的不少亲人被萨达姆吊死了。我的同行,汤姆.弗里德(Tom Friedman),早在2003年以前,就深入地刻画了诸如萨达姆此类独裁者的残酷成性的特征。
但是,这是不是就是阿拉伯世界对萨达姆的看法呢?不可否认,那些遭受萨达姆迫害的 阿拉伯人对萨达姆的死刑是非常欢迎。但是数百万的其他穆斯林如何看待呢?
估计奥萨马•本•拉登(Osama bin Laden)与布什、布莱尔同样高兴看到萨达姆之死。更多的罪恶,伴随着复仇而兴起(So many crimes avenged)。

Robert Fisk: A dictator created then destroyed by America
Published: 30 December 2006  http://news.independent.co.uk/world/fisk/article2112555.ece

Saddam to the gallows. It was an easy equation. Who could be more deserving of that last walk to the scaffold - that crack of the neck at the end of a rope - than the Beast of Baghdad, the Hitler of the Tigris, the man who murdered untold hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis while spraying chemical weapons over his enemies? Our masters will tell us in a few hours that it is a "great day" for Iraqis and will hope that the Muslim world will forget that his death sentence was signed - by the Iraqi "government", but on behalf of the Americans - on the very eve of the Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice, the moment of greatest forgiveness in the Arab world.

But history will record that the Arabs and other Muslims and, indeed, many millions in the West, will ask another question this weekend, a question that will not be posed in other Western newspapers because it is not the narrative laid down for us by our presidents and prime ministers - what about the other guilty men?

No, Tony Blair is not Saddam. We don't gas our enemies. George W Bush is not Saddam. He didn't invade Iran or Kuwait. He only invaded Iraq. But hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians are dead - and thousands of Western troops are dead - because Messrs Bush and Blair and the Spanish Prime Minister and the Italian Prime Minister and the Australian Prime Minister went to war in 2003 on a potage of lies and mendacity and, given the weapons we used, with great brutality.

In the aftermath of the international crimes against humanity of 2001 we have tortured, we have murdered, we have brutalised and killed the innocent - we have even added our shame at Abu Ghraib to Saddam's shame at Abu Ghraib - and yet we are supposed to forget these terrible crimes as we applaud the swinging corpse of the dictator we created.

Who encouraged Saddam to invade Iran in 1980, which was the greatest war crime he has committed for it led to the deaths of a million and a half souls? And who sold him the components for the chemical weapons with which he drenched Iran and the Kurds? We did. No wonder the Americans, who controlled Saddam's weird trial, forbad any mention of this, his most obscene atrocity, in the charges against him. Could he not have been handed over to the Iranians for sentencing for this massive war crime? Of course not. Because that would also expose our culpability.

And the mass killings we perpetrated in 2003 with our depleted uranium shells and our "bunker buster" bombs and our phosphorous, the murderous post-invasion sieges of Fallujah and Najaf, the hell-disaster of anarchy we unleashed on the Iraqi population in the aftermath of our "victory" - our "mission accomplished" - who will be found guilty of this? Such expiation as we might expect will come, no doubt, in the self-serving memoirs of Blair and Bush, written in comfortable and wealthy retirement.

Hours before Saddam's death sentence, his family - his first wife, Sajida, and Saddam's daughter and their other relatives - had given up hope.

"Whatever could be done has been done - we can only wait for time to take its course," one of them said last night. But Saddam knew, and had already announced his own "martyrdom": he was still the president of Iraq and he would die for Iraq. All condemned men face a decision: to die with a last, grovelling plea for mercy or to die with whatever dignity they can wrap around themselves in their last hours on earth. His last trial appearance - that wan smile that spread over the mass-murderer's face - showed us which path Saddam intended to walk to the noose.

I have catalogued his monstrous crimes over the years. I have talked to the Kurdish survivors of Halabja and the Shia who rose up against the dictator at our request in 1991 and who were betrayed by us - and whose comrades, in their tens of thousands, along with their wives, were hanged like thrushes by Saddam's ????utioners.

I have walked round the ????ution chamber of Abu Ghraib - only months, it later transpired, after we had been using the same prison for a few tortures and killings of our own - and I have watched Iraqis pull thousands of their dead relatives from the mass graves of Hilla. One of them has a newly-inserted artificial hip and a medical identification number on his arm. He had been taken directly from hospital to his place of ????ution. Like Donald Rumsfeld, I have even shaken the dictator's soft, damp hand. Yet the old war criminal finished his days in power writing romantic novels.

It was my colleague, Tom Friedman - now a messianic columnist for The New York Times - who perfectly caught Saddam's character just before the 2003 invasion: Saddam was, he wrote, "part Don Corleone, part Donald Duck". And, in this unique definition, Friedman caught the horror of all dictators; their sadistic attraction and the grotesque, unbelievable nature of their barbarity.

But that is not how the Arab world will see him. At first, those who suffered from Saddam's cruelty will welcome his ????ution. Hundreds wanted to pull the hangman's lever. So will many other Kurds and Shia outside Iraq welcome his end. But they - and millions of other Muslims - will remember how he was in????ed of his death sentence at the dawn of the Eid al-Adha feast, which recalls the would-be sacrifice by Abraham, of his son, a commemoration which even the ghastly Saddam cynically used to celebrate by releasing prisoners from his jails. "Handed over to the Iraqi authorities," he may have been before his death. But his ????ution will go down - correctly - as an American affair and time will add its false but lasting gloss to all this - that the West destroyed an Arab leader who no longer obeyed his orders from Washington, that, for all his wrongdoing (and this will be the terrible get-out for Arab historians, this shaving away of his crimes) Saddam died a "martyr" to the will of the new "Crusaders".

When he was captured in November of 2003, the insurgency against American troops increased in ferocity. After his death, it will redouble in intensity again. Freed from the remotest possibility of Saddam's return by his ????ution, the West's enemies in Iraq have no reason to fear the return of his Baathist regime. Osama bin Laden will certainly rejoice, along with Bush and Blair. And there's a thought. So many crimes avenged.

But we will have got away with it.

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