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In reality
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月09月30日06:13:28 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 感谢您最近以来的支持hebai 于 2008-09-29 21:15:12
基督徒 on the scale of God's righteousness
like 彩虹, each and every of them bears his/her
color, 虔诚 or not is a secular point of view.

基督徒 were all SINNERs, that is, less than perfect,
however, they have only one COMMON thing,
God live in THEM. You always view or treat all 基督徒
with your-own-same-standards, that would never make sense,
because it is not REAL.

布什总统 is doing a great job on the wall street crisis,
he put ordinary people's benefit first, you can compare
the speaker's speech, wow, you will easily figure out
what is politics (blaming ruling party and the president for
everything and anything) and what is decency (putting
personal benefit aside and doing anything possible
for the ordinary people). In congress
most republicans votes NO, why? because they sincerely
believe free market economy like the president does and
they care their feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling the
most, on contrary, those Dems who voted NO, no matter how sincerely they
believe the government should step in and play an important role on this matter,
are afraid not to be re-elected because ordinary people
think these BAILOUT money is their pocket money.

I am in peace, because I believe God is always SITTING on HIS throne,
nothing happening is outside His eternal PLAN.

This event clearly told people
president Bush is a great man
liberals are destructive to people all over the world.

China in the future would be much much more dangerous,
when all chinese literally become son or daughter of bitch!
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