几点商榷 |
送交者: beiqian 2008月10月07日16:36:58 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: If it is you, go do what 由 Yuehanmiao 于 2008-10-07 10:33:27 |
1) Nothing happened (happens or is going to be happening) is beyond or outside Almighty God's PLAN. Period. 同意。 2)If Obama becomes the next president of USA, that turns out that Obama is God's choice as the next president of USA, exactly the same happened 8 years ago for BUSH and 16 years ago for Clinton. 至于谁当美国总统,那不一定是上帝的选择或是上帝的旨意;但我想说,无论谁当选美国总统,那一定是在上帝的恩准之下;就好比希特勒,秦皇汉武,凯撒拿破仑,毛泽东,以及与他们相关联的一些历史事件的发生等等,等等,那不一定是上帝所喜悦的,但那一定是上帝所准许的; 3)But why? I don't know, I happily accept the FACT. 对,我们只能顺服,因为那是上帝准许的;是祸是福,将来有一天见了上帝,一定要问个清楚。您说呢? Maybe (just maybe nothing more) 16 years ago, a liberal president was needed to show the world her moral status of USA 8 years ago, a president was needed to take care of the terrorists. As I mentioned before, 4)you thought US president is very powerful, in fact, NOT. he has no POWER to regulate ordinary people's life, no POWER to decide many things, he has no power change economic policy foreign policy or anything else, more or less like a secular spiritual leader, think about poor president Clinton, how big trouble he got simply by playing a cigar with a naughty jewish girl. therefore, even you can do a very good job if you are allowed and you have average IQ, President Clinton's influence is much less than Briney Spear President Bush's influence is much less than Joel Osteen This is USA, if a president in USA is as powerful as in China, USA is no longer USA, 那也不一定;那些个参与选总统的利益团体可是有着巨大的能量的;谁谁谁,一旦被他所代表的那一群人推上了总统宝座,那他也就被赋予了那巨大的能量;看看美国近代历史上的那些战争吧,你能说美国总统没有POWER吗?那作为三军总司令的美国总统,本事大的很呐,说打就打,说不打就不打的,不是吗? 5)either Obama or McCain could be a very good president, but liberal ideas in general are very harmful to everybody, if McCain lose, nothing surprising because he is not conservative enough, Kerry lost because he was too liberal, most probably Obama wins because he behaves like a moderate liberal like Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. It is a general rule, moderate conservative (like Bob Dole) usually LOSE super liberal (like Kerry ) usually LOSE super conservative usually WIN liberal who can use church language usually WIN (Jimmy carter, Bill Clinton) 这也许准,也许不准,走着瞧吧;一般我只在意我所居住的地方上的选举. 6)nothing to do with policy simply people's FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEling 这话不错,也只能这样了。 |
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