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我把精子甩在你猪婆脸上👇 送交者: 从上而生 2019月0
送交者: 从上而生 2019月09月19日20:47:07 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 结论: 该文章根本证明不了阿古的精子论! 看看下面又脑补多少repentant 于 2019-09-19 20:26:51

送交者: 从上而生 2019月09月19日20:32:01 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

回  答: 既然文章能证明,你脑补文章没有的垃圾干什么? 找出来不就行了 由 repentant 于 2019-09-19 20:31:20

This time, however, he emphasizes that God is the Father of his children and that we are born again spiritually by means of the Word of God, which Peter likens to the male life germ. The Latin Vulgate makes this image of Peter’s even clearer than our English versions, for the word used there is semen.

When we take these passages together and then add to them all that the Bible has to say about faith and about the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation, we find that we are able to grasp the essential nature of the new birth in terms of human conception. What happens when a man or a woman is born again? The answer is that God first of all plants within the heart of the person what we might call the ovum of saving faith, for we are told that even faith is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God (Eph. 2:8). Second, God sends forth the seed of his Word so that the seed of the Word, which contains the divine life within it, pierces the ovum of faith that God has already placed within our hearts. The result is conception. By this means, a new spiritual life comes into being, a life that has its origin in God and that therefore has no connection whatever with the sinful life that surrounds it.

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